The Football.....

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Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
My Leeds United fan of 45 years, mate @Slick, asked me to send this to you, and his best wishes, after I told him about me often mentioning him and those Rangers v Leeds 'Battle of Britain' matches in 1992, on this thread! :laugh: :okay: He's watched all England's matches and intends to stay till quote.. 'we win the tournament' :rolleyes: , as he's guaranteed a ticket for the final, being a long time England fan club member. He told me he's on about 15 pints a day plus German wine, as you can probably tell. :whistle:



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My Leeds United fan of 45 years, mate @Slick, asked me to send this to you, and his best wishes, after I told him about me often mentioning him and those Rangers v Leeds 'Battle of Britain' matches in 1992, on this thread! :laugh: :okay: He's watched all England's matches and intends to stay till quote.. 'we win the tournament' :rolleyes: , as he's guaranteed a ticket for the final, being a long time England fan club member. He told me he's on about 15 pints a day plus German wine, as you can probably tell. :whistle:

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Good on em Accy, I hope he is having as much of a blast as he looks like he's having. :thumbsup:
Watching England go forward is like watching a crab moving along the beach. There is more side to side movement than forward motion. And all this poncing about in your own penalty area is simply playing with fire, particularly as many goalkeepers don't appear to know their arse from their elbow when it comes to outfield play. There are occasions when keeping possession just becomes an excercise for it's own sake - putting your laces through the ball and sending it into the opposing half might be unfashionable but there are times when it just works, and it can scare the crap out of the opposition.
@Smokin Joe
It was like a mirror image of the way the Hammers played last season.


Would England beat Switzerland in QFs?
They looked very good.

Certainly nothing to be scared about.

Switzerland are playing well above their normal level right now though. England would need to play better than they have been, but nothing to suggest they couldn't when required.


South Glos
Would England beat Switzerland in QFs?
They looked very good.

Right now, England are not in the QFs.


South Glos
Not too sure of the meaning of "Would" then?

I apologise. You are quite correct. I was merely trying to highlight that, at the time of writing, the outcome of a football match with England in the quarter finals is as hypothetical as asking who would win a fight between a horse sized chicken and 100 chicken sized horses. Yes, we could find out but there are certain hurdles to be overcome first.


Legendary Member
Euros are getting interesting now.
Early on there were (imo) too many mismatched teams that I couldn't be bothered watching.
Who knows... even England might possibly have a good game :smile:


North Shields
Euros are getting interesting now.
Early on there were (imo) too many mismatched teams that I couldn't be bothered watching.
Who knows... even England might possibly have a good game :smile:

They knackered the format a bit when they increased it from 16 - 24 teams IMO.

With 16 it meant every game was pretty much a knockout. It's great that smaller nations (Scotland, Albania, Georgia etc) get a chance on the big stage but what used to be a short sharp tournament now feels a bit bloated.

I read an article a while ago speculating about going up to 32 teams which would be ridiculous.
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