OK, if we want to do a Handicap Chain Gang tomorrow, I suggest we do the PE stage from last month (30 minutes to an hour) and use a 90% handicap to give the poor buggers starting at the back a chance to catch the early starters (who have a much better chance of improving their times. I think the session will be more fun if the starts are close enough to make sure people close up together towards the end, but not so close as to make it obvious the fast boys will always come out on top.
So how about ...
We need to be fairly sure about the first person off, so the handicaps can be based on them, or I'll start the session in their place and quit once one or two others are under way, and rejoin in my proper place.
Can people please indicate if they are a definite yes, no or a maybe, for either Thursday and/or Saturday, and if anyone who didn't do it last time would like to, I'll work out a handicap some how.
Pretty sure this should result in around 10 people finishing within a minute or so of each other ...