Team BKool CycleChat

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Geoff on Bkool
South Somerset
Question :- what's the difference between amatuer & active and how does the progress system work.

It's based on FTP and weight (Watts/Kg), if you search earlier in the thread it's explained and there is a little table for Watts/Kg needed to achieve each level. FTP is usually 95% of average watts during FTP test or any session over 30 minutes (if greater).



Geoff on Bkool
South Somerset
I'm planning on joining in on the Thursday night group, happy to have a go in the handicap system.

That's great, any thoughts on handicap? Your Amateur 8, perhaps faster on the flat than a steep climb, this is a bit of both, I would have thought a middle handicap, around the same as Bob?



Geoff on Bkool
South Somerset
OK, so this is what I think will make the finish close. Paul is likely to be the first away so set his time as 0:00, and If Wheely and/or Zach want to join they start at the same time?

Then handicap based on 80% of the difference from last months stage times, to reflect the fact that it is harder to radically improve the faster times by the same number of seconds as the slower times, so that the guys starting towards the end have a realistic chance of catching the early starters. (who will hopefully then grab some drafting from the exhausted chasers to stick with them for the finish).

Adjust to give Blue a handicap of 90% (rather than the 100% suggested) to reflect recent improvements in fitness level) and give Monte and Bob the same handicap as Blue (as they have not registered a time yet, but are usually close to each other on similar terrain).

Give Lars the same time as Bill as requested.

Then if the Thursday run is anything much different than a 10+ way dead heat adjust handicaps slightly to compensate before rerun on Saturday?

Please let me know if anyone disagrees with the following start times, or if anyone else wants a start time?



Powys, Wales
Now that's how you run a handicap race in a professional manner. Makes my slap happy affair look quite agricultural.

Just one thing to remember Geoff, if you exit the session, in order to reset your time to zero before you start your run, make sure you switch tabs from programmed, to live, before you do your filter search. This is where I went wrong, and it opened me a new session, without the existing participants in.


Über Member
That's great, any thoughts on handicap? Your Amateur 8, perhaps faster on the flat than a steep climb, this is a bit of both, I would have thought a middle handicap, around the same as Bob?


I've only just got me amateur 8, guessing it was my last session on alpe d'heuz as I haven't done a ftp test - should I ??? must say well done & thank you for those of you that organise these rides.


Geoff on Bkool
South Somerset
Ta Geoff.
I did type "PE" into the search facility-honest.

Yeah, it gets about a million matches on pe! Not much use ...


Geoff on Bkool
South Somerset
Oh, look at that, the chain gang (and Mountain Goat) league stages have appeared! :headshake:

Perhaps our emails prompted someone to take a look ...

I think we're committed to the handicap chase now, the cheddar short climb can be done any time until the 4th, perhaps we can find a time for the velodrome before it expires (Sunday)?

Anyone fancy it tonight, after the chase? :crazy:



Geoff on Bkool
South Somerset
I've only just got me amateur 8, guessing it was my last session on alpe d'heuz as I haven't done a ftp test - should I ??? must say well done & thank you for those of you that organise these rides.

Yes, it was from your Alpe d'Huez ride.

I'd give the FTP test a go, it's probably a more consistent measure than the steep climbs, where the trainers can struggle to generate enough resistance and the tyres can struggle to cope with the torque at high power and low speeds.

The 20 minute FTP (at 2%) will likely over estimate your Functional Threshold Power as it doesn't require you to burn off any Anaerobic Work Capacity first, you should really do 30 minutes all flat out and take 95% of the last 20 minutes average. However what it does do is give a pretty good measure of fitness and allow you to compare progress with your past times and perhaps other peoples?



Geoff on Bkool
South Somerset
Hope I havent handicapped myself too much! :biggrin:

BIG NEWS: Decided that Bkool is the way forwards for home training and have ordered a Bkool Pro. As of next week the playing field will be even again. :okay:

Bkool does seem to give something the other systems don't, and if you are going to stick to Bkool, their trainer is understandably the best supported, as well as the most used.

Have you sold the Real Tour or is it going to be a second trainer?



OK, so this is what I think will make the finish close. Paul is likely to be the first away so set his time as 0:00, and If Wheely and/or Zach want to join they start at the same time?

Then handicap based on 80% of the difference from last months stage times, to reflect the fact that it is harder to radically improve the faster times by the same number of seconds as the slower times, so that the guys starting towards the end have a realistic chance of catching the early starters. (who will hopefully then grab some drafting from the exhausted chasers to stick with them for the finish).

Adjust to give Blue a handicap of 90% (rather than the 100% suggested) to reflect recent improvements in fitness level) and give Monte and Bob the same handicap as Blue (as they have not registered a time yet, but are usually close to each other on similar terrain).

Give Lars the same time as Bill as requested.

Then if the Thursday run is anything much different than a 10+ way dead heat adjust handicaps slightly to compensate before rerun on Saturday?

Please let me know if anyone disagrees with the following start times, or if anyone else wants a start time?

View attachment 83768

I don't think this route likes me, last time I had man flu, this time it seems I have a stomach bug, hope I can keep the flapjack down :-( I may not be a challenger tonight although I will be on the ride.


professional procrastinator
Norn Iron
Bkool does seem to give something the other systems don't, and if you are going to stick to Bkool, their trainer is understandably the best supported, as well as the most used.

Have you sold the Real Tour or is it going to be a second trainer?

Havent thought that far yet Geoff. I'll likely hold on to it for a couple of months to give Zwift a whirl when they finally send me an invite. Might be best to try and sell it when the dark evenings comes again.

Wasnt sure about Bkool for a while, but they have made great improvements recently. I'm not that bothered about picking random courses and competing against unknown riders, but these Cyclechat Bkool Leagues have been great craic and have boosted my fitness no end so far. Now I can join the Mountain Goats and not feel guilty!
I did the velodrome and Cheddar ride before I left town. If there is as way to count it I appreciate it. If not the way everyone else is improving last place plus 5% is not that bad. Every time I think my own improvements are going to result in a higher finish the others are improving faster. I'm looking to score some black market Snickers and Ribina.
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