Team BKool CycleChat

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Geoff on Bkool
South Somerset
I did a quick calculation based on the actual times posted and the handicaps assigned.
This eliminates the differences between how close to the handicap did people actually get going (esp. Adam) and gives the following...

These are the actual results from bkool ... amazing how close Bill and Adam are in power to weight and therefore time

So Paul won (the handicap race), Blue won with the quickest time, and Adam won the fastest time on the Bkool trainer ... and we all got to the top and beat our personal bests!

Everyone's a winner! :thumbsup:



Geoff on Bkool
South Somerset
4.2 W/kg :thumbsup: Brilliant stuff guys.. Goes to show how far I have to go yet.

4.2 Watts/Kg would give a FTP/Kg of 3.99 Watts/Kg, so smack in Active 9.

An FTP of 4 Watts/Kg is a top Cat 3 road racer! :okay:

Those of us who took an hour or more get a better estimate of FTP as no need to take a percentage. Mine was 256.5 or 3.5 Watts/Kg.

This contrasts with the 95% of 20 minute FTP test, which over exaggerates my FTP. A large part of the power will be assisted by Anaerobic power, which would not last the whole hour (or even close).

Still really useful for measuring progress, but I wouldn't expect to hit the same figures in real life.


Edit: For anyone interested, these are my 20 min FTP tests so far since starting training

06/11/14 220.5 W (209.47 W = 2.60 W/Kg) - Amateur 7 (Got Bkool Pro 30th Oct)
12/11/14 247.9 W (235.50 W = 2.94 W/Kg) - Amateur 10
19/11/14 226.6 W (215.27 W = 2.73 W/Kg) - Amateur 8 (After Bkool calibration)
10/12/14 262.8 W (249.66 W = 3.21 W/Kg) - Active 3
27/12/14 264.3 W (251.09 W = 3.27 W/Kg) - Active 3
29/12/14 268.9 W (255.46 W = 3.33 W/Kg) - Active 4
02/03/15 265.87 W (252.57 W = 3.40 W/Kg) - Active 5 (Got KICKR 5th Feb)
14/03/15 290.35 W (275.83 W = 3.74 W/Kg) - Active 7
22/03/15 296.96 W (282.11 W = 3.79 W/Kg) - Active 8
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4.2 Watts/Kg would give a FTP/Kg of 3.99 Watts/Kg, so smack in Active 9.

An FTP of 4 Watts/Kg is a top Cat 3 road racer! :okay:

Those of us who took an hour or more get a better estimate of FTP as no need to take a percentage. Mine was 256.5 or 3.5 Watts/Kg.

This contrasts with the 95% of 20 minute FTP test, which over exaggerates my FTP. A large part of the power will be assisted by Anaerobic power, which would not last the whole hour (or even close).

Still really useful for measuring progress, but I wouldn't expect to hit the same figures in real life.


Edit: For anyone interested, these are my 20 min FTP tests so far since starting training

06/11/14 220.5 W (209.47 W = 2.60 W/Kg) - Amateur 7 (Got Bkool Pro)
12/11/14 247.9 W (235.50 W = 2.94 W/Kg) - Amateur 10
19/11/14 226.6 W (215.27 W = 2.73 W/Kg) - Amateur 8 (Got KICKR)
10/12/14 262.8 W (249.66 W = 3.21 W/Kg) - Active 3
27/12/14 264.3 W (251.09 W = 3.27 W/Kg) - Active 3
29/12/14 268.9 W (255.46 W = 3.33 W/Kg) - Active 4
02/03/15 265.87 W (252.57 W = 3.40 W/Kg) - Active 5
14/03/15 290.35 W (275.83 W = 3.74 W/Kg) - Active 7
22/03/15 296.96 W (282.11 W = 3.79 W/Kg) - Active 8

Interesting stuff Geoff. I haven't got a record of when I reached various stages but my Alpe d'Huez sheet tells a similar story. You stayed on Active 4 for ages then you've jumped forward this month. Have you any ideas how you managed to do it? Pushed harder? Diet? etc


Geoff on Bkool
South Somerset
Gutted I missed the ride last night,(work call out) can it ridden as long as you stick to the handicap

Not sure how you could simulate the handicap, since it only remembers the actual times taken. If you add ghosts to match the times, they will all start together.

You could challenge the result closest to your handicap and see if you can chase them down, then compare your time plus handicap with the results from last night.



professional procrastinator
Norn Iron
4.2 Watts/Kg would give a FTP/Kg of 3.99 Watts/Kg, so smack in Active 9.
06/11/14 220.5 W (209.47 W = 2.60 W/Kg) - Amateur 7 (Got Bkool Pro)
12/11/14 247.9 W (235.50 W = 2.94 W/Kg) - Amateur 10
19/11/14 226.6 W (215.27 W = 2.73 W/Kg) - Amateur 8 (Got KICKR)
10/12/14 262.8 W (249.66 W = 3.21 W/Kg) - Active 3
27/12/14 264.3 W (251.09 W = 3.27 W/Kg) - Active 3
29/12/14 268.9 W (255.46 W = 3.33 W/Kg) - Active 4
02/03/15 265.87 W (252.57 W = 3.40 W/Kg) - Active 5
14/03/15 290.35 W (275.83 W = 3.74 W/Kg) - Active 7
22/03/15 296.96 W (282.11 W = 3.79 W/Kg) - Active 8

Ah now, this is really interesting to see. Many thanks for posting this Geoff. Always encouraging to see how others have progressed - gives me motivation to follow suit.

Thats a quick progression too! Huge gains in March!
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Geoff on Bkool
South Somerset
Not sure if there is going to be a proper Chain Gang tomorrow, as there is no active stage and I have no reply yet from my message to support.

I did wonder if we liked the handicap chase format, and had thought about adopting it for one session a month on the chain gang, so long as Adam doesn't mind. Add to the mix of rides and perhaps give closer racing?

I thought a good way to get the handicaps would be to repeat a stage from the previous month using the results for that stage.

The "pe" stage from last month looks like a good candidate, or the Vuelta stage from this month (perhaps do this one next month), as they were both well received.

Anyone up for this?

They aren't too long, so the handicaps shouldn't involve too much waiting around, and we have got the process sorted after last night. We could repeat Saturday to those who can't make Thursday.



Not sure if there is going to be a proper Chain Gang tomorrow, as there is no active stage and I have no reply yet from my message to support.

I did wonder if we liked the handicap chase format, and had thought about adopting it for one session a month on the chain gang, so long as Adam doesn't mind. Add to the mix of rides and perhaps give closer racing?

I thought a good way to get the handicaps would be to repeat a stage from the previous month using the results for that stage.

The "pe" stage from last month looks like a good candidate, or the Vuelta stage from this month (perhaps do this one next month), as they were both well received.

Anyone up for this?

They aren't too long, so the handicaps shouldn't involve too much waiting around, and we have got the process sorted after last night. We could repeat Saturday to those who can't make Thursday.


Sounds like a good idea Geoff. Do you think we could get it set up for tomorrows ride?


Geoff on Bkool
South Somerset
Interesting stuff Geoff. I haven't got a record of when I reached various stages but my Alpe d'Huez sheet tells a similar story. You stayed on Active 4 for ages then you've jumped forward this month. Have you any ideas how you managed to do it? Pushed harder? Diet? etc

Thanks Bill, I got my dates a little wrong, I didn't get the KICKR until Feb 5th, the earlier reduction from Active 10 to Active 8 was when Bkool calibrated my Bkool Pro trainer.

When I got the KICKR I went down again, as I found it harder than the Bkool even after the calibration. I avoided and abandoned proper FTP tests for a month, as every time I tried I could see I was going to be demoted to Active 2 or lower.

I did do a 20 minute session on a 2% gradient to get an FTP without using the official FTP test and just got to Active 2, so in fact during that gap I was progressing from Active 2'ish to Active 5 with the KICKR.

It seems that the early FTP tests were exaggerated by 20% and the ones before the KICKR by 10%, compared to the KICKR now, you can see this by the almost exactly 10% downgrade steps at each change.

I feel I've made more 20% more progress than it seems.

The jump from Active 2 at the start of February to Active 8 now I would put down partly to a little weight loss, but mainly to a lot of training on Bkool and especially the KICKR, which just made me work harder to make the watts.


For anyone interested, these are my 20 min FTP tests so far since starting training

06/11/14 220.5 W (209.47 W = 2.60 W/Kg) - Amateur 7 (Got Bkool Pro 30th Oct)
12/11/14 247.9 W (235.50 W = 2.94 W/Kg) - Amateur 10
19/11/14 226.6 W (215.27 W = 2.73 W/Kg) - Amateur 8 (10% down after Bkool calibration)
10/12/14 262.8 W (249.66 W = 3.21 W/Kg) - Active 3
27/12/14 264.3 W (251.09 W = 3.27 W/Kg) - Active 3
29/12/14 268.9 W (255.46 W = 3.33 W/Kg) - Active 4
07/02/14 243.5 W (231.33 W = 3.11 W/Kg) - Active 2 (10% down after got KICKR 5th Feb)
02/03/15 265.87 W (252.57 W = 3.40 W/Kg) - Active 5
14/03/15 290.35 W (275.83 W = 3.74 W/Kg) - Active 7
22/03/15 296.96 W (282.11 W = 3.79 W/Kg) - Active 8
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Geoff on Bkool
South Somerset
Sounds like a good idea Geoff. Do you think we could get it set up for tomorrows ride?

Yes, I'm sure it could be setup, I've got all the times.

In the video above you can see how joining the session at the correct time is quite easy as you can put in the password and get ready to click No, while you can still see the time underway.

So you can get it all done in advance and then clock No exactly as the handicap time is reached! :okay:

On my way to Haines Alaska for work and will miss it. It's a good thing I didn't read this before I got on the plane or I may have been out of a job. The live races may be worth quitting. I'm so Bkool obsessed I am reading the chat instead of looking for real mountain goats.


Yes, I'm sure it could be setup, I've got all the times.

In the video above you can see how joining the session at the correct time is quite easy as you can put in the password and get ready to click No, while you can still see the time underway.

So you can get it all done in advance and then clock No exactly as the handicap time is reached! :okay:


I found that didn't work for me as when I did a trial run it kicked me out. I ended up doing my warmup somewhere then finding the session in Live as usual with the filter, then waiting until the session in Live was 10 seconds before my jump in time, then putting in the password, session loading, then off. It worked fine though.
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