I was in my loft AAAC but had had the air con on for 2 hours. It was still very hot though and I was struggling. Anyway, great speed from you seeing as your recently back after injury, but also a well deserved win in the June League as well.respect if you were in your loft @BILL S
i was barely holding you off

I did what I could at the front (which was not a lot) but if I stayed out there in the wind for any longer you'd have dropped me off.
Had a strange freak accident with the turbo unit about 5 mins into the warmup and this is what happened:
1/ Realised I'd forgotten to put on my HRM.
2/ Jumped off the bike with wheel still spinning to put on the turbo, but wasn't paying attention.
3/ My foot with bike shoe accidentally went against the turbo fan (without fan cover attached).
4/ There was a loud noise of things breaking

5/ I ignored it and got back on the bike.

6/ The turbo sounded different.
7/ I wondered if it would be overheating without a cooling fan.
8/ The race started and after that all I worried about was me overheating.
So getting off the bike afterwards and examining the damage it looks like the fan blades broke in only two bits so some superglue should do the trick. If I don't get that done before the next ride a small fan pointing at the turbo will do the job of the built in one.
Wonder how many watts I gained with not having to power the fan ? I reckon probably only about 10