if anyone is umming and aarring about going away with a group of blokes who you met on line and nowhere else , have nothing but cycling in common with them , in some cases can't understand much of what they are saying ( sorry - i will work on it !) can i just say -
what we have just done is without shadow of doubt the best bloody biking i have ever done ! the buzz and total feeling of elation to get up some of them climbs , see the views , feel the sun searing through your bonce on the climbs and the breeze freezing your core on the way down , to imagine just how fit the tdf riders must be to actually race up the climbs instead of just surviving the climbs , it makes for a totally unforgettable experience ,
to share that experience with Dean ,Bob and Thomas from here makes me realise just what a lucky boy i am and i would like to thank them all again for including me in playtime in the mountains
if anyone is in doubt as to whether to go or not - i can assure you , no-one could have been more nervous than me about it - strangers ,climbing for hours at a time , riding in heat , riding at altitude , descending at speed - everything a first and something to worry about - anyone reading this in that position - just do it , if not with us then with someone else , just do it -- its effing BRILLIANT and i feel so alive at the minute

still waiting for reality of work to kick in
Thanks to Dean for all the help sorting out the airport,hotel, travelling and company ( and sarcasm)
Thanks to Bob for organising, including me and company ( and sarcasm)
and Thanks to Tommy for getting me up them bleeding hills with a smile on my face even when i was in a very dark place and even the voices in my head had buggered off and left me ( and the sarcasm - oh the sarcasm

also - even though they won't read this i guess but maybe Bob will pass it on i would like to say thanks to all the others that each made me feel a part of the group and very welcome
i will stop now before i go even more gwyneth paltrow , i just thought it needed saying
now just to continue the day eating with a big grin on my face

we did it !