Team BKool CycleChat

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Bored Man

Upstanding Member
Liga stages are all open until 22nd Dec so no need to rush them :okay:

Thank you Sir - plenty of time for reruns too.


Gets free watts from the Atom ;)
Unintentional Mechanical Doping .... ;)
Not knowingly happened to me on Bkool before, but I have had this 3 times on Zwift. Hope it's not my trainer on the way out :ohmy: PC was playing up too tonight, wouldn't boot up, so maybe even linked to that. I'll have to keep an eye on it, and if it keeps happening I'll make sure I complete all the Liga climbs first :biggrin:

Bored Man

Upstanding Member
Not knowingly happened to me on Bkool before, but I have had this 3 times on Zwift. Hope it's not my trainer on the way out :ohmy: PC was playing up too tonight, wouldn't boot up, so maybe even linked to that. I'll have to keep an eye on it, and if it keeps happening I'll make sure I complete all the Liga climbs first :biggrin:


Bored Man

Upstanding Member
Nice cold Ice cold up here tomorrow so hopefully a little real world cycling.. In work first thing, RL World Cup @ 10, then try a few miles after lunch before they turn the lights out. :cold:

Del C

Well that was my first Chain Gang group ride.

Did stage 2 this morning and somehow improved by nearly 3 minutes on the 17:00 ride.

I'm trying to work out if it was the banana or the gel I ate before the ride, or the last minute crap I had that made the difference! :laugh:

I was with @Marino.g neck and neck to the summit of the first climb but he left me way behind on the descent. Not sure what I could have done to stay with him?

Came in just behind a guy called Juan Antonio. I looked up at the corner of the screen in the last km and thought I saw a message from @theboxers saying 'you can catch him'. I promptly failed to live up to that as my 9 second gap went out to 20s almost instantly! Came in 14 seconds behind him.

Enjoyed it and I'll try to ride the group rides again although Thursdays and Saturdays can be tricky times for me.

Bored Man

Upstanding Member
Well that was my first Chain Gang group ride.

Did stage 2 this morning and somehow improved by nearly 3 minutes on the 17:00 ride.

I'm trying to work out if it was the banana or the gel I ate before the ride, or the last minute crap I had that made the difference! :laugh:

I was with @Marino.g neck and neck to the summit of the first climb but he left me way behind on the descent. Not sure what I could have done to stay with him?

Came in just behind a guy called Juan Antonio. I looked up at the corner of the screen in the last km and thought I saw a message from @theboxers saying 'you can catch him'. I promptly failed to live up to that as my 9 second gap went out to 20s almost instantly! Came in 14 seconds behind him.

Enjoyed it and I'll try to ride the group rides again although Thursdays and Saturdays can be tricky times for me.

Good ride.

If you can’t ride live, see if anyone else can join you when you can - I’m always cycling different times due to my job. Post your intentions and see what happens. :thumbsup:


Gets free watts from the Atom ;)
Enjoyed it and I'll try to ride the group rides again although Thursdays and Saturdays can be tricky times for me.
You can still ride in the league even if you can't make all the live rides. Challenge someone else and race their ghost. Depending on the course there should always be someone of a similar speed to race against :okay:
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