Team BKool CycleChat

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Del C

Show off (or early doors excuse?)

Both! ^_^
so so street again
How can you type without slowing down?

Bored Man

Upstanding Member
hmmmmm, that was odd. Dropped my chain half way up Liga 3, then when i finally get it back on BSIM gives me the watts of superman!! Soryy @Jim Brown , whilst i was working hard to push a bigger gear than normal, i don't think the watts were correct. Give the splitters something to crow about though :tongue:

Ahh... that explains it.. all I was left with was painting WTF on the road.. you were getting stronger and stronger and your HR was going down.. ha.

I wondered about the stop.. thought you’d bailed and popped the drill on.. :becool:

Regardless. It was a very good effort Sir.
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