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Bored Man

Upstanding Member
My drive is always floppy nowadays.

As long as you still have plenty of memory, you should still recall the times when your drive was hard.


Gets free watts from the Atom ;)
Lord, I felt like peddling them doing Liga stage 3 tonight. Absolutely fooooked... struggled to unclip n get mi leg ower... :wacko:

Got half way and was dying a very slow death.. I knew if I stopped I’d never try it again, so soldiered on.. there weren’t any hard gradients, just mind numbing, arse achingly dull.. no power left at the end.

Awful. :headshake:
Look forward to using your ghost :okay:


Gets free watts from the Atom ;)
You’ll smash it Whorty. I did stage 9 first, then went on to stage 3. I so much wanted to quit... it’s a very very long drag. Good luck sir.
Looks like you gave my ghost a good workout on Stage 9 too :okay: Maybe if you hadn't worked so hard on this stage you'd have been stronger on stage 3 .... have a rest day then give stage 3 another go :biggrin:

Bored Man

Upstanding Member
Looks like you gave my ghost a good workout on Stage 9 too :okay: Maybe if you hadn't worked so hard on this stage you'd have been stronger on stage 3 .... have a rest day then give stage 3 another go :biggrin:

Definitely a rest day - Not doing that stage again - Ever. I expect you to do it at least 30 minutes faster than me. :cycle:
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