Team BKool CycleChat

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Large Member
That’s quite a challenge after a bottle or two of rouge vin.... :wacko:

Strangely less challenging as I don't get invited up!
And have to sleep with the goats and chickens.


Large Member
At his age he should be good at it.

One fateful day back in mid 1989 after 3 months away on grey funnel ship bobbing about in the Mediterranean I prove that the old tackle worked.
9 months or so later I was laid on a surgery couch in the Swindon health clinic making sure it never worked again (all for the princely sum of £69).
Will never forget the Doc asking if I wanted to sit up and watch.
Ever since, other than No1's, the old boy has not seen much action at all.
Try telling your kids what you have sacrificed for them and they just won't believe you.

Daddy Pig

One fateful day back in mid 1989 after 3 months away on grey funnel ship bobbing about in the Mediterranean I prove that the old tackle worked.
9 months or so later I was laid on a surgery couch in the Swindon health clinic making sure it never worked again (all for the princely sum of £69).
Will never forget the Doc asking if I wanted to sit up and watch.
Ever since, other than No1's, the old boy has not seen much action at all.
Try telling your kids what you have sacrificed for them and they just won't believe you.
Swindon health clinic... things really were desperate!


Large Member
Hi all - I am a bit confused.

Is your first name Engelbert?
You're definitely in the right place.
Most of them are absolutely bonkers or senile here.

Bored Man

Upstanding Member
And he didn't balls it up either.

When I was in for mine the surgeon said “nurse, why is the patient wearing glasses”? The nurse then informed him that I was having a local anaesthetic. He the said “oh, good morning”. He was very chatty throughout the procedure but the best was yet to come. He actually cracked a joke... “ a Rabbi slipped during a circumcision... and got the sack”

I was told off for giggling..

I still laugh today..


Gets free watts from the Atom ;)
Looks like Zwift is having major bugs at the moment, especially around the races. Riders crashing out, Zwift crashing generally, riders not being able to see all other racers. Seems it's really not just Bkool that has bugs :tongue: Just a little reminder for those thinking of riding both platforms (or jumping away from Bkool completely) that the grass isn't always greener on the other side ;)
I've renewed my Bkool for another month and glad I did as I really enjoyed the race yesterday. I plan to use both but not sure how much racing I'll do on Zwift compared to Bkool.
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