Team BKool CycleChat

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Bored Man

Upstanding Member
For some strange reason I keep getting time added. I went under the arch at 59 something but it's showing 1 hour 2 minutes. Not that it matters that much. I'm back on my stairs trim. I've ruined 3 pieces of wood so far and still haven't gotten even close. The techniques on YouTube look simple but after I made the cuts i have gaps of 1\2 inch everywhere. I'm about to tell the wife the new trend is masking tape boarders..

Distressed masking tape borders- everyone has them over here on their stairs, apart from me as I don’t have any..


Gets free watts from the Atom ;)
Yes. For the first half of the ride I believe I held you to a minute, which as quite a bit of it was uphill (and I don’t do uphill) I was quite pleased with, then you rode away as I weakened.

Once upon a time if my HR went above 150 I’d be cooked however, I’m comfortable at that now and start to die at around 160. Improved fitness. Bkool doing its thing.

Looks nice up here tomorrow, so a little RW cycling for a change. Plus I’m off next week, so calories out, calories in and good sleeps.. :cheers: may even index the Arden Flyer..:thumbsup:

Edit - and winterise my chicken hut... they ain’t going to lay eggs if their bums are cold..
I'm off this coming week too. Got 4 bedrooms to paint so I'll be a tad busy. Planning to ride most evenings though and put some miles in the legs :okay:

I was quite concerned at only a minute up on you as I thought you might have a slight advantage on the downs. And I knew I wasn't taking it easy as I was only about 2 mins down on Bill which is about what I'd expect on a hill like that. I was trying to keep it steady and not go to much in the red but it's hard when you're being chased down :eek:

Rod McG

Über Member
I'm back after a good summer outside and looking forward to the Nov league. I did the re-run this evening but when I started it a couple of times between 5 and 5:10 there was no-one else there. Did it anyway but I'm wondering why I was not seeing the others, any ideas welcome!


Hi all - I am a bit confused, and hope this is the right place to post. I didnt find Bkool that intuitive....but I am through that now. In comparison with Zwift it has many things going for it, but it lacks that group dynamic. So in search of some group activities, I have migrated here. I feel like I am crashing a party....but how do I join the Thursday night chain-gang rides?

Bored Man

Upstanding Member
I'm back after a good summer outside and looking forward to the Nov league. I did the re-run this evening but when I started it a couple of times between 5 and 5:10 there was no-one else there. Did it anyway but I'm wondering why I was not seeing the others, any ideas welcome!


Perhaps you didn’t choose the live race and opted for the league race - if that makes sense?

They all count but it’s better together, as they say.:thumbsup:


Gets free watts from the Atom ;)
I'm back after a good summer outside and looking forward to the Nov league. I did the re-run this evening but when I started it a couple of times between 5 and 5:10 there was no-one else there. Did it anyway but I'm wondering why I was not seeing the others, any ideas welcome!
Did you search for one of us in Bkool and join an existing ride, or did you start your own ride?


Gets free watts from the Atom ;)
Hi all - I am a bit confused, and hope this is the right place to post. I didnt find Bkool that intuitive....but I am through that now. In comparison with Zwift it has many things going for it, but it lacks that group dynamic. So in search of some group activities, I have migrated here. I feel like I am crashing a party....but how do I join the Thursday night chain-gang rides?
In Bkool, request to join the CycleChat Chain Gang. Tell us your Bkool name and we'll approve you in.

Thursday rides, and likewise the Saturday re-run, are good for getting the old heart racing. We have the league set up so each race/stage during the month goes into the league to get an overall position. You can re-run a stage as often as you like during the month to improve your time ..... every second counts!

Very friendly people on here. A good group with good banter. :welcome:

Bored Man

Upstanding Member
For some strange reason I keep getting time added. I went under the arch at 59 something but it's showing 1 hour 2 minutes. Not that it matters that much. I'm back on my stairs trim. I've ruined 3 pieces of wood so far and still haven't gotten even close. The techniques on YouTube look simple but after I made the cuts i have gaps of 1\2 inch everywhere. I'm about to tell the wife the new trend is masking tape boarders..

It doesn’t appear to have accepted my efforts - probably couldn’t believe it was actually me.. :heat:


Gets free watts from the Atom ;)
Hi all - I am a bit confused, and hope this is the right place to post. I didnt find Bkool that intuitive....but I am through that now. In comparison with Zwift it has many things going for it, but it lacks that group dynamic. So in search of some group activities, I have migrated here. I feel like I am crashing a party....but how do I join the Thursday night chain-gang rides?
just saw your request ... you're in :okay:


Large Member
For some strange reason I keep getting time added. I went under the arch at 59 something but it's showing 1 hour 2 minutes. Not that it matters that much. I'm back on my stairs trim. I've ruined 3 pieces of wood so far and still haven't gotten even close. The techniques on YouTube look simple but after I made the cuts i have gaps of 1\2 inch everywhere. I'm about to tell the wife the new trend is masking tape boarders..

Our stairs generally have the trim built in as they are the rails that that the treads and risers slot into.
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