What exactly is the situation with this cheat?
If you turn the power off on the turbo trainer the BSIM software continues at exactly the same power, speed and cadence. You could stop pedalling (I didn't) and you avatar would still fly through the course
Which Bkool trainer? - Pro, Classic
I have a Pro. No idea if other models are the same but I would assume so.
Just using Bkool/Bsim?
Yes. Not tested on Zwift but could be worth it for someone to test and see if it is a BKool only bug (likely).
What are people doing - turning the power on/off to the trainer during the ride?
In my test yes, I actively turned the power off using a remote control.
How does that work then? If no data transmission from trainer to the application how is any speed activated?
No idea how it works technically, or why it works that way, but I do know that as soon as the power to the trainer is cut the avatar continues at the same speed and watts. What is interesting though is the watts now showing do not effect the average watts for the ride, hence why I was still only 3.3 watts/kilo. I was watching the ave watts counter on screen which was about 280, and even when I was cruising at 450 the average didn't increase. This I guess is why it is hard to spot straight away, although me being able to post that time at only 3.3 watts / kilo should be a red flag.
I didn't see what
@bridgy saw, which was the watts/speed dropping off after a certain amount of time (30 seconds?), but then I was only using the cheat for short burst to get over lumps. This short usage clearly also fooled the graphs as unless I had said what I did I'm not sure anyone would have spotted it.
As for a fix. As I've said for two days, if anyone wants to use this with Bkool as an example of the bug/cheat then feel free. I did it as a test NOT to gain time on the SC and now we can prove it's an easy cheat we should get them to fix it. I would have thought putting in an extra system test, something like testing if speed and /or watts stay flat for 10 seconds (5 seconds too short?) then the ride should be blocked.
I also think that my ride should be removed from the league but given BKool can't remove the ELITE rides and they are easily spotted as fake I don't think they will be able to do it hence why I said I will handicap myself next time by riding with
@Jim Brown