I think I'll be in the dog house a bit later when Mrs GW gets back home.
I've been away for a couple of days helping my son move house with no internet access.
Logged on this morning to catch up, and my goodness Whorty you have certainly stirred things and livened the forum up. Monday's to do list has taken a back seat, and I don't think me telling Mrs GW that Whorty has admitted to cheating is going to cut any ice as an excuse.
This can happen with a dodgy turbo as I had the same symptoms when my turbo lost power intermittantly during rides. It was only when my speed started to drop to zero that I realised that I had lost power to the turbo - I never noticed the power boost, but then I never really know what's going on. Each time it happened I had to get off and poke a cocktail stick down the reset hole - so any power gains were well and truly nullified. Seeing me reaching for the kitchen steps to get off and back on is not a pretty sight, and is quite a lengthy experience.
Anyway I stripped my turbo down a re-soldered the power connections to the logic board, and also tightened a loose earth connection to the stepping motor, and touch wood I haven't had any reoccurences over the last month - touch wood.
Anyway Shorty if you need a ghost to follow to repent on the SC10, pick mine as it will push you back several pages on the overall rankings, as I believe there are some of those hilly bits and I ain't too good on them.