That's the last time I'll be honest on here ... cheating all the way in future as you can't actually see that I cheated in the graphs and I could have gotten away with it if I wasn't so honest .... hey, hold on, an honest cheat?!?
Not that I have to answer my accusers but I did it because I didn't believe you could cheat this way. I know we've discussed it but I wasn't convinced it was true. I thought the funny graph of Pep's was ERG mode or similar. Be hey, appears it is true but to get the shape of graph that Pep shows I should have left the turbo turned off for minutes not seconds.
I chose the 47km ride because I was going to re-do that anyway, and not being convinced that the power off would work i was expecting it to fail and hence I could just crack on with the ride as planned.
Asking why I didn't stop at the end ... i almost did (you can see by my power going low) but I changed my mind with 300 metres to go. I was wanting to do 2 tests 1. does the cheat work. 2. Will the admins accept the ride when a cheat has been actioned. Only by finishing the ride could I know the second.
If I was really cheating do you think I would have admitted it the next day on an open forum? If I really wanted to cheat I would have kept schtum and used it again and again in the leagues and no one would be the wiser (well, apart from those who I ride with at the IoW when I'm suddenly nowhere near as good as I am on BKool
It's also very unfair to tar anyone else on here as a cheat just because I did this. It was my choice to do this (my wife did warn me that someone on here would take it badly ... must learn to listen to my wife more in future!) and no one else was involved. I also did say on Friday on here that I was going to try it, so it's not like I was hiding the fact either before or after.
I'm more than happy if BKool know. I'll happily tell them what I did and see if they can replicate it and maybe put a fix into their system to stop it. Let's call it UAT
I could also sense
@Brusgaard that you was upset Thursday with Bill and I riding together. Seems we shouldn't do re-runs with ghosts, shouldn't ride together on live races .... is there anything we are allowed to do? On live race days many people ride together and draft, some by accident, some intentionally. Surely no different from a ride in the real world?!?
Finally, can I say that most of us here take advantage of a BKool 'cheat' every time we race. We power off the line and gain a massive advantage over those that don't realise you can do that little trick. Should we all not 'cheat' now like this and just ease gently off the line like we do in the real world, or should we just carry on in our manic, enjoyable, suicidally knackering way and just enjoy the races in BKool for what they are - a bit of competitive fun.
p.s. My wife also told me not to respond tonight .... could be she will be right again .. she normally is