TheBoxers on Cycle Sim sw
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- OTC (on the couch)
This what I was aiming to do. But I could not get a stable resistance. I was aiming for about 85-90 cadence at about 230-240 watts (between 10 and 20 more than current). When I had one the other was either way too high or low. This lead my to bust my HR too early. I am gradually raising the point at which I can sustain power and cadence at HR levels but they need to be stable resistance levels.Boxer's, do you have a HR monitor? Is there a number at which you find you're about to pop. Ride at 1-3 BPM below. Cadence is what you're comfy with, 70-100rpm. If you've got burning legs by half way then higher cadence at the same HR or lower power at same cadence

The recent CG ride I did, the first for a while became a mess about 3k from the end where I felt I had no power no matter what I did.
I set a recent best on power in the Velo during a warm up session 220 avg over 16 minutes. I think if I was to make it a constant effort I could do the same for a FTP value of 230, the last 5 minutes or so of that session were at or about 260-270 bkool watts.A Velo session is a good method too. You don't have the 'TUE' or the high % gradients that your trainer has, plus you can get in a gear and pedal away. this is how I set my 300 watts FTP. Create a 30 minute velo session and just attack it![]()

The overall good news is that I am almost back to where I was before last Christmas. The best way from here on is up.