I'd rather eat raw goat-liver for 1 year than have to repeat any time soon.
Does the result mean that I spend 54 seconds not pedalling ? Also, how do I write to Bill or does he read this ?
If you reference Bill like this (@BILL S ) then he will get an alert that he has been spoken to and should then see the comment. If you offer him beer he will no doubt then release the ride.
Just looked at your ride .... that must have been a painful last mile or so fighting with my ghost! Given how close you came on this ride, are you not tempted to do ride 1 again? You are 2 mins behind me on ride 1, so you must be able to bring most of that time back

I guess the 54 seconds thing means that BKool thinks you paused the ride for that amount of time. Shouldn't have impacted you ride time. A bit like when you're riding in the real world and you stop at traffic lights ... Strava etc pause the ride as it only records moving time. That's my take anyway unless someone else knows better?