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Bobby Mhor

Behind You
Probably doesn't look right without the "k" on the end, so they just added it!

Did you get wind of the windfarm being built, thus moving away.
Site I got the location from said it's a HuMP or tump, not a hill. Any idea of those?

What's tha done now. Wasn't the no cup coffee enough.

Wasn't a club as such, more a Saturday meeting area for those with/into radios. Maybe there's more doing it in their own homes, checking online. Local library used to have a few radio books, non now.

Did they say what the weather were like?

The only thing about the windfarm is the track opens up the e side of the hill as it was trackless (okay from the SW and W) and I could have cycled instead of slogging up through heather and sheep tracks. I'll head through next year at some point and do a recce up the new track and a visit to the hill for old time sake...
I've posted this before but what views..

First there over 60 years ago.....
HuMP Hill hundred metres prominence (107m actually)
TuMP is as above but 30 metres..

Roman fort nearby, possibly an extension of the Antonine Wall.
I still reckon as well as the mad insane tribes, the midge was another factor that 'beat' the Romans...


Leg End Member
The only thing about the windfarm is the track opens up the e side of the hill as it was trackless (okay from the SW and W) and I could have cycled instead of slogging up through heather and sheep tracks. I'll head through next year at some point and do a recce up the new track and a visit to the hill for old time sake...
I've posted this before but what views..

First there over 60 years ago.....
HuMP Hill hundred metres prominence (107m actually)
TuMP is as above but 30 metres..

Roman fort nearby, possibly an extension of the Antonine Wall.
I still reckon as well as the mad insane tribes, the midge was another factor that 'beat' the Romans...

You'll be going up in style next time then?

What's it like in the middle of winter though.

How can it be both!
If it's above the upper height that what it should be classed as, not the lower one as well.

Is there much of the fort left, above or below ground. It can't all have been reused surely.
Maybe the reason the "mad insane natives" had been driven insane by the same midges that saved them. Rome not having much in the way of midges.
You can put your name forward for any trials that appear to test your theory

Bobby Mhor

Behind You
Good morning folks:hello:
(I live in hope:cuppa:)

You'll be going up in style next time then?

What's it like in the middle of winter though.

How can it be both!
If it's above the upper height that what it should be classed as, not the lower one as well.

Is there much of the fort left, above or below ground. It can't all have been reused surely.
Maybe the reason the "mad insane natives" had been driven insane by the same midges that saved them. Rome not having much in the way of midges.
You can put your name forward for any trials that appear to test your theory

Never really that bad in winter tbh..
trudged up many a time...

Hill categories now are getting a bit ridiculous,
think a new one every so often, I do give kudos to those who do all that type of research, think Scotland has been 'LIDARed' now it might get rid of the donkey work......

I look in here every so often HERE


Leg End Member
Good morning folks:hello:
(I live in hope:cuppa:)

Never really that bad in winter tbh..
trudged up many a time...

Hill categories now are getting a bit ridiculous,
think a new one every so often, I do give kudos to those who do all that type of research, think Scotland has been 'LIDARed' now it might get rid of the donkey work......

I look in here every so often HERE
Not Scotland?

No snow or fog in winter, when you trudged up it.
Halfway up?

I'd stick with Munros and Marilyns as "official classifications", the rest the authors would have to say are their names for the groups.

There's patches where its not been LIDARed, yet. Not many, but nearly every where Ive looked at has a piece that's not been done.
It'll save people digging it up, but also remove them from the very thing they want to check.

Anything new, apart from hill classifications, when you have a gander?

Bobby Mhor

Behind You
Not Scotland?

No snow or fog in winter, when you trudged up it.
Halfway up?

I'd stick with Munros and Marilyns as "official classifications", the rest the authors would have to say are their names for the groups.

There's patches where its not been LIDARed, yet. Not many, but nearly every where Ive looked at has a piece that's not been done.
It'll save people digging it up, but also remove them from the very thing they want to check.

Anything new, apart from hill classifications, when you have a gander?

Before LIDAR, a lot of work on checking possible highest points on summits and and checking against the OS heights, must be keen as top quality gear...
Personally I think LIDAR is amazing, as look at the 'lost' cities it is finding out in Central and SAmerica.
Some traditionalist archaeologists must be pissed that all that money they got for years to find these places has dried up...

You can get a form of it on mobile phones now....

Talking about Munros..
neighbour was on Cruach Ardrain a month ago,
I asked which of the two 'summits' he had been on, 'How?'
I said the E one is the true summit and has caused confusion in the Munro ranks...

I guess if you only stood on the W one, you haven't compleated the ascent:laugh:
and yes, I've a video panorama from the correct summit:laugh:
but what a place to play radio...(Roddy 'Bach' not me), Ben Lomond middle distant..


Leg End Member
Before LIDAR, a lot of work on checking possible highest points on summits and and checking against the OS heights, must be keen as top quality gear...
Personally I think LIDAR is amazing, as look at the 'lost' cities it is finding out in Central and SAmerica.
Some traditionalist archaeologists must be pissed that all that money they got for years to find these places has dried up...

You can get a form of it on mobile phones now....

Talking about Munros..
neighbour was on Cruach Ardrain a month ago,
I asked which of the two 'summits' he had been on, 'How?'
I said the E one is the true summit and has caused confusion in the Munro ranks...

I guess if you only stood on the W one, you haven't compleated the ascent:laugh:
and yes, I've a video panorama from the correct summit:laugh:
but what a place to play radio...(Roddy 'Bach' not me), Ben Lomond middle distant..
View attachment 667292
It's good for seeing what's on the ground, "invisible" to the naked eye.
They may well be, but if things like LIDAR throws up something they could only reach by air then it's got to be helping them.

Not seen anyone using it, might keep an eye open for it though. Never know what I might find.

Bet he was happy when you pointed that out to him. Had he gone to the correct summit?
Nice view whilst you rest and have yer refreshments, and play radio.

Bobby Mhor

Behind You
It's good for seeing what's on the ground, "invisible" to the naked eye.
They may well be, but if things like LIDAR throws up something they could only reach by air then it's got to be helping them.

Not seen anyone using it, might keep an eye open for it though. Never know what I might find.

Bet he was happy when you pointed that out to him. Had he gone to the correct summit?
Nice view whilst you rest and have yer refreshments, and play radio.

Old style Archie O'Logy has to be much easier now with all this ground penetrating radar stuff, saves all these test digs...
but there again , deckchair, knotted hanky and order the student diggers about...


Leg End Member
Old style Archie O'Logy has to be much easier now with all this ground penetrating radar stuff, saves all these test digs...
but there again , deckchair, knotted hanky and order the student diggers about...
Should be fewer less promising digs done. Dig where there's a return signal, if required. Could also lead to more digs being done as well.
You could sit on yer erchie, radio in hand, supervising the students. As long as you don't mind that is.

Bobby Mhor

Behind You
Should be fewer less promising digs done. Dig where there's a return signal, if required. Could also lead to more digs being done as well.
You could sit on yer erchie, radio in hand, supervising the students. As long as you don't mind that is.

Any insubordination, a crack with a 4x2:ohmy:.
I'm not in a messing or sympathetic mood today:cuppa:

Bobby Mhor

Behind You
Ho Ho Ho:hello:
Less obvious than a rounders bat though..
I'm always a grumpy auld sod...
it's in my psyche..

being miserable is good, builds character..

I'm in a much better mood today, I'm wielding a bit of 2x2


Leg End Member
Depends on whether you have the only rounders bat at the time or not.
You're psychic! Tell me what I'm doing right now? Without being grumpy...

But what sort of character?

S'good to hear.
Easier hold anyway, not as heavy, and easier swing.

Cough eased, foot not as sore?

Bobby Mhor

Behind You
Depends on whether you have the only rounders bat at the time or not.
You're psychic! Tell me what I'm doing right now? Without being grumpy...

But what sort of character?

S'good to hear.
Easier hold anyway, not as heavy, and easier swing.

Cough eased, foot not as sore?

Cough ? cough? not wanting to go away..
cancelled Fridays dental appointment in case not cleared...

Took a trip to treat myself to a bottle of Scottish Absinthe and yes, none in stock:sad:
nice trip into Fife and back via Stirling, a couple of new roads travelled.
So Chilli & Lime rin tin tin it has been tonight:cuppa:

Never thought about the character thing...
it's more from a running gag in Calvin & Hobbes comic strip


Leg End Member
Cough ? cough? not wanting to go away..
cancelled Fridays dental appointment in case not cleared...

Took a trip to treat myself to a bottle of Scottish Absinthe and yes, none in stock:sad:
nice trip into Fife and back via Stirling, a couple of new roads travelled.
So Chilli & Lime rin tin tin it has been tonight:cuppa:

Never thought about the character thing...
it's more from a running gag in Calvin & Hobbes comic strip
Have you tried Deep Heat on the soles of your feet at bedtime?
Better not going than passing something on. Hopefully they'll see it that way, but don't pin too much hope on it.

Nothing else that could make up for the disappointment available?
Can I take it you were being chauffeured around again, not out on the bike.

Does the Chilli and Lime rin tin tin give the same satisfaction as what you couldn't purchase, or a poor second best substitute.

It'll stop you sleeping if you think too much about it...
That pair have a bit to answer for.

Bobby Mhor

Behind You
Goooooooooood morning Tealandia:hello:
:cuppa: best thing for it..

Quite breezy outside...
Have you tried Deep Heat on the soles of your feet at bedtime?
Better not going than passing something on. Hopefully they'll see it that way, but don't pin too much hope on it.

Nothing else that could make up for the disappointment available?
Can I take it you were being chauffeured around again, not out on the bike.

Does the Chilli and Lime rin tin tin give the same satisfaction as what you couldn't purchase, or a poor second best substitute.

It'll stop you sleeping if you think too much about it...
That pair have a bit to answer for.

I got home, letter waiting and had to rearrange again to a slightly later time...
Bike? 35 days since I've been in the saddle..
I'm getting stir crazy:hyper:

C&L is one of the better gins tbh..
I looked at the shelves of gin yesterday and thought, every place must have its own ginnery, I have tried quite a few and I always go back to proprietary ones, brew some neutral spirit, throw some local 'botanical' in and voila..
a fusion of local 'weeds' for your pleasure with hints of citrus whilst camomile or whatever comes through in the after taste, I mean who writes this dung....
I'd gone up to Inversnecky (Fort Bill to Inversnecky by bike) and thought a bottle of local gin for a souvenir, £49 quid for something with Loch Ness on the label, aye right..
It used to be everybody opened art galleries when they moved up north, now its a ginnery and craft beer microbrewery, a lot of this craft beer is overpriced and rotten too:laugh:
The one I do like...
Golden Straw to the eye..
Fresh, zesty , citrus hops and fruity to the nose..
taste ? Sharp, crisp, biscuity 'whit?' , dry finish...dry finish, it's bleeding wet stuff:laugh:
I have that cynical 4x4 mood today:cuppa:
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