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Leg End Member
I'll just solder on with the auld stuff:rolleyes:

I know, it is bad...
You'll get the flux capacitor working yet.

Bad, doesn't begin to describe it.

Bobby Mhor

Behind You
You'll get the flux capacitor working yet.

Bad, doesn't begin to describe it.

I could maybe get to 8.8 mph:cuppa:

Preyed on my mind so a chat online then a phone call from Epple Support and voila, Face ID working again, some more diagnostics then a hard reset but up and back to full normal in 30 mins, epple fizzy juice to celebrate:wacko:


Leg End Member
I could maybe get to 8.8 mph:cuppa:

Preyed on my mind so a chat online then a phone call from Epple Support and voila, Face ID working again, some more diagnostics then a hard reset but up and back to full normal in 30 mins, epple fizzy juice to celebrate:wacko:
Uphill or downhill though?

How long do you think their fix will last, and was fingerprint ID not an option open to you.
What's normal, other than it appears to be working, as you want it to, for now.
Epple juice, one of your five a day I'll assume. Enjoy!!

Bobby Mhor

Behind You
Good morning:hello:
Pour me one too please:cuppa:

Uphill or downhill though?

How long do you think their fix will last, and was fingerprint ID not an option open to you.
What's normal, other than it appears to be working, as you want it to, for now.
Epple juice, one of your five a day I'll assume. Enjoy!!

It's reading my ugly pus okay now.....
they build them tough:laugh:

never ever got on with the fingerprint ones for some reason..
still a few apps to check
but it's working 100% again (I hope)..

Mrs M stewed a fair pile of eppels yesterday so Crumbles and epple related food for a month or two....


Leg End Member
Good morning:hello:
Pour me one too please:cuppa:

It's reading my ugly pus okay now.....
they build them tough:laugh:

never ever got on with the fingerprint ones for some reason..
still a few apps to check
but it's working 100% again (I hope)..

Mrs M stewed a fair pile of eppels yesterday so Crumbles and epple related food for a month or two....
Tea's in't pot.

Just think, every time you unlock the handset, you're sending your picture to someone to check you're you.

Me neither, just thought you had the option of either method.
Still checking, after eighteen months. Or after the reset?

A fair pile of epples, which will see you eating crumbles, pies and who knows what else for a month or two. How fair a pile did she stew, owt left in't orchard!

Bobby Mhor

Behind You
Tea's in't pot.

Just think, every time you unlock the handset, you're sending your picture to someone to check you're you.

Me neither, just thought you had the option of either method.
Still checking, after eighteen months. Or after the reset?

A fair pile of epples, which will see you eating crumbles, pies and who knows what else for a month or two. How fair a pile did she stew, owt left in't orchard!

More eppels heading south to us next week....
just tubs (larger chinese type)
Our batches have come from various sources, making us the 'apple tarts'...

finally out for some shopping earlier, a trip to Stirling and a Maccys coffee..

I had to delete and reinstall one app which apparently only opened on my last face ID scan but now up and running...
just some apps to check yet but I'll go play radio for a wee while.


Leg End Member
More eppels heading south to us next week....
just tubs (larger chinese type)
Our batches have come from various sources, making us the 'apple tarts'...

finally out for some shopping earlier, a trip to Stirling and a Maccys coffee..

I had to delete and reinstall one app which apparently only opened on my last face ID scan but now up and running...
just some apps to check yet but I'll go play radio for a wee while.
These headed your way as a result of your recent raiding parties.
You saying you're a tart now, who'd crumble at the thought of apple pies.

Couldn't you get them to deliver the coffee?

Nowt important lost with the app.
Scout hut tonight?
You could take an apple crumble with you.

Bobby Mhor

Behind You
These headed your way as a result of your recent raiding parties.
You saying you're a tart now, who'd crumble at the thought of apple pies.

Couldn't you get them to deliver the coffee?

Nowt important lost with the app.
Scout hut tonight?
You could take an apple crumble with you.

Friday is hut night..
might miss it again, still coughing:sad:

there are some things a man should not share...

Bobby Mhor

Behind You
Good morning:hello:
Let's kid on I'm half way across the Atlantic, that'll making look as if I'm normal time instead of being late again
It's been a busy morning, this and that then more stuff going on.

It's not Friday!
You tested yerssen? Hope the coughing gets no worse, and you find a way of easing it soon.

Somethings just shouldn't be shared, man or not.

Cancelled going tonight...
it certainly ain't getting better...
haven't seen Beag in over a week...
Granny has been taking him places instead of back here,
he might not want to come back:ohmy:

rattled a few times in to Yoiksha on 30m this morning, can't remember where though...
Carry on regardless..


Leg End Member
Good morning:hello:
Let's kid on I'm half way across the Atlantic, that'll making look as if I'm normal time instead of being late again
It's been a busy morning, this and that then more stuff going on.

Cancelled going tonight...
it certainly ain't getting better...
haven't seen Beag in over a week...
Granny has been taking him places instead of back here,
he might not want to come back:ohmy:

rattled a few times in to Yoiksha on 30m this morning, can't remember where though...
Carry on regardless..
You in an open boat?
Getting everything shipshape and Bristol fashion.

Any idea where you may have got it from/the cause of it?
You might not like missing the young un, but it's best for the pair of you. Just save everything you had planned to do, then do it when he's round next.
You've been left home alone!
Does she trust you?
He'll want back, you have chocolate and biscuits.

No idea where. You certain they weren't pulling yer leg saying they were in Yorkshire?
Carry on Regardless, can't say I've seen that one. Did James in it?

Bobby Mhor

Behind You
You in an open boat?
Getting everything shipshape and Bristol fashion.

Any idea where you may have got it from/the cause of it?
You might not like missing the young un, but it's best for the pair of you. Just save everything you had planned to do, then do it when he's round next.
You've been left home alone!
Does she trust you?
He'll want back, you have chocolate and biscuits.

No idea where. You certain they weren't pulling yer leg saying they were in Yorkshire?
Carry on Regardless, can't say I've seen that one. Did James in it?

Did who?:ohmy:

sorry one in Patrington, other two were Dottinham(see old Tunes ad) and Redditch, my oops..

Chocolate supplies slowly going down but his drawer is still full of his faves..

Early to mid 70s, I used to love just heading down and hiring a rowing boat and just plodding about Largs Bay, wasn't that expensive (local prices were a lot cheaper)...stopped recently to look at prices at Windermere, jeez, couldn't believe the prices per hours for a boat


Leg End Member
Did who?:ohmy:

sorry one in Patrington, other two were Dottinham(see old Tunes ad) and Redditch, my oops..

Chocolate supplies slowly going down but his drawer is still full of his faves..

Early to mid 70s, I used to love just heading down and hiring a rowing boat and just plodding about Largs Bay, wasn't that expensive (local prices were a lot cheaper)...stopped recently to look at prices at Windermere, jeez, couldn't believe the prices per hours for a boat

Thought you didn't know where. Yer ooops indeed.

Well, if you're not getting out to replenish them....

Just messing about on the river then.

Bobby Mhor

Behind You
Morning folks:hello:

Today is going to be a music day....
70s of course..

enjoy your day..


Thought you didn't know where. Yer ooops indeed.

Well, if you're not getting out to replenish them....

Just messing about on the river then.

Headed out to see the moon in all its glory, not long after we left, thick cloud was obscuring it so home again:whistle:
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