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Leg End Member
Morning folks:hello:

Today is going to be a music day....
70s of course..

enjoy your day..

Headed out to see the moon in all its glory, not long after we left, thick cloud was obscuring it so home again:whistle:

70's, does this mean your vinyl collection will be coming down from the loft.

I'm making no Promise's, other than "I'll try". Good enough?

You should have just carried on going, you'll have left the cloud behind you in no time.

Bobby Mhor

Behind You

70's, does this mean your vinyl collection will be coming down from the loft.

I'm making no Promise's, other than "I'll try". Good enough?

You should have just carried on going, you'll have left the cloud behind you in no time.

I gave up with that along time ago..

digital only now....
playlists so much easier..

anyhoo, it didn't turn out that way, I changed my mind....
apart from radio, it's been a quiet day....


Leg End Member
I gave up with that along time ago..

digital only now....
playlists so much easier..

anyhoo, it didn't turn out that way, I changed my mind....
apart from radio, it's been a quiet day....
You gave up on a better sound system for ease of use?

Digital, no tapes or CD's either then.
There's voice controlled CD players, long before Alexa or google came along.

Changed yer mind. You were told you were going somewhere...
Owt interesting on the airwaves?

Ow's tha obbling around coming on?

Bobby Mhor

Behind You
You gave up on a better sound system for ease of use?

Digital, no tapes or CD's either then.
There's voice controlled CD players, long before Alexa or google came along.

Changed yer mind. You were told you were going somewhere...
Owt interesting on the airwaves?

Ow's tha obbling around coming on?

Yeah, I never impose my music on anyone, headphones are normally my choice, Mrs M doesn't mind what I play in the car...
Plenty contacts about, never saw the antipodes or the far east but I was up around 28 mhz most of the day, I ration myself in how many I work...a few in Sarf 'Merica over the piece....
Across the road or the antipodes, I don't mind tbh...nice to get out of Europe occasionally although I don't buy into bagging up on the US or Japan as some do...you only need one verification. Diff awards though, WAS (Worked all States) I'm short of N Dakota and Nevada, the others are verified...

got a tubular bandage on so keeping it okay..
True, takes ages for anything to get better/repair the older you get



Leg End Member
Yeah, I never impose my music on anyone, headphones are normally my choice, Mrs M doesn't mind what I play in the car...
Plenty contacts about, never saw the antipodes or the far east but I was up around 28 mhz most of the day, I ration myself in how many I work...a few in Sarf 'Merica over the piece....
Across the road or the antipodes, I don't mind tbh...nice to get out of Europe occasionally although I don't buy into bagging up on the US or Japan as some do...you only need one verification. Diff awards though, WAS (Worked all States) I'm short of N Dakota and Nevada, the others are verified...

got a tubular bandage on so keeping it okay..
True, takes ages for anything to get better/repair the older you get

It's possible to use headphones with almost every music format there has been. No need to make others suffer.

Possibly, I'd want to try and get at least one contact in every country. Have you managed one from every area of Scotland, all the counties in the UK? Or is that not your style.

You'll get them, never fear.

Take it off when you're not doing much, and elevate the leg. The joint will become too reliant on the tubular bandage for support, getting weaker.

Yer body slows down its own repair system, in favour of those it considers important. Take yer time, don't rush.

Cough easing?


Bobby Mhor

Behind You
Good almost afternoon here:hello:

Day of rest in some cultures..
need something hot to drink..
fed up with all the regular tipples..
off to prowl the cupboards..

It's possible to use headphones with almost every music format there has been. No need to make others suffer.

Possibly, I'd want to try and get at least one contact in every country. Have you managed one from every area of Scotland, all the counties in the UK? Or is that not your style.

You'll get them, never fear.

Take it off when you're not doing much, and elevate the leg. The joint will become too reliant on the tubular bandage for support, getting weaker.

Yer body slows down its own repair system, in favour of those it considers important. Take yer time, don't rush.

Cough easing?


I can rustle up a map of the 'squares' I have worked but I can't remember how to do it:laugh:
They keep 'improving' everything so i have to learn again..
I'll try later.
strapping off for the day..

easing, yes...

DXCC has 340 odd countries listed,
I'm nowhere near even half of that, I've worked over 140 odd with almost 140 verified

The program I use,
has a colours set up..
if green its not been worked before
if sky blue, its been worked but on another band and mode....
if burnt orange its been worked

it scans my file each decode cycle....

I use two main programs,
JTDX for txing and rxing,
Log4OMv2 for logging.

They 'talk' to each other..
both free ( I have donated)

sod it, velvetised hot choc coming up:ohmy:


Leg End Member
Good almost afternoon here:hello:

Day of rest in some cultures..
need something hot to drink..
fed up with all the regular tipples..
off to prowl the cupboards..

I can rustle up a map of the 'squares' I have worked but I can't remember how to do it:laugh:
They keep 'improving' everything so i have to learn again..
I'll try later.
strapping off for the day..

easing, yes...

DXCC has 340 odd countries listed,
I'm nowhere near even half of that, I've worked over 140 odd with almost 140 verified

The program I use,
has a colours set up..
if green its not been worked before
if sky blue, its been worked but on another band and mode....
if burnt orange its been worked

it scans my file each decode cycle....

I use two main programs,
JTDX for txing and rxing,
Log4OMv2 for logging.

They 'talk' to each other..
both free ( I have donated)

sod it, velvetised hot choc coming up:ohmy:
Owdo, this afternoon

And for you it ain't by the sound of things. You're injured, put your feet up and tend to that cough.
Try a "Hot One", purely medicinal purposes.
Although hot chocolate was the first choice for a non regular tipple.

They keep on "improving" things in order to sell you something else. Learning being something you have to do to use it. Just think, all that information in your head somewhere.

Sounding less like the frog prince with every passing hour...

340! There's not as many countries in the world. Are some of them not on this world?
You don't have a large world map on the wall, which you use to mark the countries off as you make first contact?

These computer programs, can they be set to do the work themselves. Running while you're in the Land of Nod for instance.

Hope the hot chocolate was as good as expected

Bobby Mhor

Behind You

Each square is 100km x 100km and can be split down to 10km x 10km squares, my 'locator' in this is IO86ba which gives you my rough location...red dots are obviously worked contacts. system is Maidenhead Locator...


Leg End Member
View attachment 667073
Each square is 100km x 100km and can be split down to 10km x 10km squares, my 'locator' in this is IO86ba which gives you my rough location...red dots are obviously worked contacts. system is Maidenhead Locator...
There's very few in North Africa.
Are the ones in the North Sea oil platforms/rigs?

You're north of the border, aren't you?

Bobby Mhor

Behind You
Good morning:hello:

There's very few in North Africa.
Are the ones in the North Sea oil platforms/rigs?

You're north of the border, aren't you?

Some duffusses can't work the system...
quite possible as I've a few maritime mobile as they call it..
I'll source the rest of the world if you think North Africa is empty:laugh:
Yes bur sadly not down Mexico way:ohmy:

The red dots in the W and NW of Jockland are SOTA (mountain top ) contacts...

Rainy, rainy ratlle staney it look like today...


Leg End Member
Good morning:hello:

Some duffusses can't work the system...
quite possible as I've a few maritime mobile as they call it..
I'll source the rest of the world if you think North Africa is empty:laugh:
Yes bur sadly not down Mexico way:ohmy:

The red dots in the W and NW of Jockland are SOTA (mountain top ) contacts...

Rainy, rainy ratlle staney it look like today...

Yer not one of those, are you.
So they could be onboard a vessel. Not someone in their downtime having a check of what's going on onshore.
Just seems devoid of dots, the piece you did show.
Under the "L" in Ireland, if that's a dot I think you may have got a Gardai. In the hills NE of Shannon.
Would you want to go to Mexico, its dry sunny and can be warm at times. You might not last the day in such conditions!

Ever keep a record of where you were when those contacts were made. Then check the two on a map back at base, or whilst supping yer McD's coffee.

T'were forecast dry today, but it's looking as though it'll chuck it down at some stage here.

Bobby Mhor

Behind You

Yer not one of those, are you.
So they could be onboard a vessel. Not someone in their downtime having a check of what's going on onshore.
Just seems devoid of dots, the piece you did show.
Under the "L" in Ireland, if that's a dot I think you may have got a Gardai. In the hills NE of Shannon.
Would you want to go to Mexico, its dry sunny and can be warm at times. You might not last the day in such conditions!

Ever keep a record of where you were when those contacts were made. Then check the two on a map back at base, or whilst supping yer McD's coffee.

T'were forecast dry today, but it's looking as though it'll chuck it down at some stage here.

I know where every contact (might have one or two unsure), house is automatic, anything outside ? OS map reference is taken and logged, any hill tops the same, locator noted.

obviously the dots are mostly showing populated urban areas, more folk more in the hobby.
that I know of ? 7 in my 100km² last I looked.....

sample from my so called paper log..

made my brekkie this morning and got the coffee machine ready, needed the loo so off and on the way back telling Mrs M how I was in the top 2% of this word game worldwide, impressed? not really I'd forgot to put a cup on the coffee machine:cuppa:
I think it was a sympathetic look, well I thought so...

see if you can find where the OS reference put me ( it starts NS)


Leg End Member
I know where every contact (might have one or two unsure), house is automatic, anything outside ? OS map reference is taken and logged, any hill tops the same, locator noted.

obviously the dots are mostly showing populated urban areas, more folk more in the hobby.
that I know of ? 7 in my 100km² last I looked.....

sample from my so called paper log..
View attachment 667211

made my brekkie this morning and got the coffee machine ready, needed the loo so off and on the way back telling Mrs M how I was in the top 2% of this word game worldwide, impressed? not really I'd forgot to put a cup on the coffee machine:cuppa:
I think it was a sympathetic look, well I thought so...

see if you can find where the OS reference put me ( it starts NS)
You do check where the physical location is then. Or is it just logged.

Seven in a 100km². There were five within fifty yards at one time. Unlike you they didn't meet at the scout hut. They used the local pub, no scout hut. Now I know of only two in the area.

And it poured its little heart out, right where your cup should have been?
She might have been thinking "Top two percent, and he still doesn't know he's to put a cup under".
Sympathetic look, you done this no cup malarkey before?

I get a return of Corlick Hill, NW of a windfarm.

Bobby Mhor

Behind You
You do check where the physical location is then. Or is it just logged.

Seven in a 100km². There were five within fifty yards at one time. Unlike you they didn't meet at the scout hut. They used the local pub, no scout hut. Now I know of only two in the area.

And it poured its little heart out, right where your cup should have been?
She might have been thinking "Top two percent, and he still doesn't know he's to put a cup under".
Sympathetic look, you done this no cup malarkey before?

I get a return of Corlick Hill, NW of a windfarm.

Correct, Corlic is the local name, dunno where they got Corlick from..
Windfarm built since I left.
Corlic was my first ever hill, love the place...

I do the odd stoopid thing, don't we all?

It's a dying thing clubs I think, used to be clubs everywhere and now a lot of clubs on their knees just getting by.
Yet, an article I read recently said from 2012 to 2017, licences were 10% up, I dunno what latest numbers are, licences now have to be updated every five years....
Where else are you going to send out a CQ and get a report from Antarctica?

not that far a distance wise from a cold place:ohmy:


Leg End Member
Correct, Corlic is the local name, dunno where they got Corlick from..
Windfarm built since I left.
Corlic was my first ever hill, love the place...

I do the odd stoopid thing, don't we all?

It's a dying thing clubs I think, used to be clubs everywhere and now a lot of clubs on their knees just getting by.
Yet, an article I read recently said from 2012 to 2017, licences were 10% up, I dunno what latest numbers are, licences now have to be updated every five years....
Where else are you going to send out a CQ and get a report from Antarctica?
View attachment 667242
not that far a distance wise from a cold place:ohmy:
Probably doesn't look right without the "k" on the end, so they just added it!

Did you get wind of the windfarm being built, thus moving away.
Site I got the location from said it's a HuMP or tump, not a hill. Any idea of those?

What's tha done now. Wasn't the no cup coffee enough.

Wasn't a club as such, more a Saturday meeting area for those with/into radios. Maybe there's more doing it in their own homes, checking online. Local library used to have a few radio books, non now.

Did they say what the weather were like?
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