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Bobby Mhor

Behind You
Tra la la, triddly dee dee..
Traaa la la, trdiddleee dee dee..

Good morning:hello:

Who got the lollipop for being brave?
You'll not be doing it again will you.
I'd say we've all done summat similar.

Try hot and cold water*, alternating between the two every five minutes.
If that doesn't work, try yer rhubarb crumble and doughnut solution.
They don't work, try yer beer and cider.
Unhealthy area then!

*As hot and cold as you can stand, for around half an hour.

Tried all above...
ach well, hobble about it is:cuppa:


Leg End Member
Tra la la, triddly dee dee..
Traaa la la, trdiddleee dee dee..

Good morning:hello:

Tried all above...
ach well, hobble about it is:cuppa:
You sound cheerful, what you up to?


Put yer feet up, take it easy for a few days.
Save obbling around, you might cause further injury.

Bobby Mhor

Behind You
Good morning:hello:
the big fruit genius bar told me my face id sensor is toast...
I knew this big mug would break something other than mirrors:cuppa:

I'd be wary of some who say that. I'd be wondering why.
Must take up a bit of room on any form that asks for your name in full.
Not Dave Allen?

Think yourself lucky..
you almost got Chic Murray


Leg End Member
Good morning:hello:
the big fruit genius bar told me my face id sensor is toast...
I knew this big mug would break something other than mirrors:cuppa:

Think yourself lucky..
you almost got Chic Murray
Its locked you out?
Have you tried a stainless steel mirror.

It could have been worse, I know that much.


Leg End Member
It broke after too many Bob face reads...
a pest but hey ho...
6 months until upgrade.....
or maybe just a SIM upgrade....

must fly, rugger has kicked off
Best I steer clear of any such system then.
If it's only six month old I'd be looking at it being fixed under warranty.
Why'd you need to lock the handset anyway?
Go with just a SIM, these newer ones are getting worse. More to go wrong, from the start.

Blimy, one minute he's 'obbling, the next he's superman.

Watch those landings...

Bobby Mhor

Behind You
Best I steer clear of any such system then.
If it's only six month old I'd be looking at it being fixed under warranty.
Why'd you need to lock the handset anyway?
Go with just a SIM, these newer ones are getting worse. More to go wrong, from the start.

Blimy, one minute he's 'obbling, the next he's superman.

Watch those landings...

18 month old...sadly.
the ability to phone is just a side line now..
in case some nasty little 'erbert gets access to my info, could you imagine 2 of me?:cuppa:

back to UTC tomorrow.
time to bin the whole BST thing..



Leg End Member
18 month old...sadly.
the ability to phone is just a side line now..
in case some nasty little 'erbert gets access to my info, could you imagine 2 of me?:cuppa:

back to UTC tomorrow.
time to bin the whole BST thing..

Two year contract then.
The ability to phone is the main reason for me. The rest is extra, that I might use someday.
Would any nasty little Herbert dare take your phone?
There's three of me locally, within a half mile of each other!!

Extra hour in bed in the morning.
UST, not GMT. Why can't they keep things simple!


Bobby Mhor

Behind You
Good UTC to you:hello:
Dull, dreary and that is just me:sad:

Two year contract then.
The ability to phone is the main reason for me. The rest is extra, that I might use someday.
Would any nasty little Herbert dare take your phone?
There's three of me locally, within a half mile of each other!!

Extra hour in bed in the morning.
UST, not GMT. Why can't they keep things simple!


I'll look at all options this time round..
New radio with microwave bands announced but price is going to be a decider, deposit of 200 quids being taken so at that I can't justify it...
It would be for portable working..
the ancillary stuff isn't cheap either....

as above dreary looking out, a big Halloween scary blow up monster is lying deflated across the pavement..
more likely a pin in it, judges of the estate Halloween house decorations out and about last night.


Leg End Member
Good UTC to you:hello:
Dull, dreary and that is just me:sad:

I'll look at all options this time round..
New radio with microwave bands announced but price is going to be a decider, deposit of 200 quids being taken so at that I can't justify it...
It would be for portable working..
the ancillary stuff isn't cheap either....

as above dreary looking out, a big Halloween scary blow up monster is lying deflated across the pavement..
more likely a pin in it, judges of the estate Halloween house decorations out and about last night.
Nah, definitely GMT round these parts at least for the next few months.
Don't be sad don't be blue, there's still someone with more clocks than you.

Get what suits you, not them. Be a rebel!
Why would you want to listen to next doors microwave? Cooking secrets, what the neighbours are up to...
New stuff is never cheap when introduced. Might drop, slightly, afterwards. Especially if you bought it at the introduction.

Much the same here, more detail will require the fog to lift first.
How'd you think you did in the competition.
The "P" fairy visited it. It's not afraid of Halloween, and things that go bump in the night.
Or, maybe it's feeling deflated at not winning/doing better.

Sabotage, surely not.

Bobby Mhor

Behind You
Nah, definitely GMT round these parts at least for the next few months.
Don't be sad don't be blue, there's still someone with more clocks than you.

Get what suits you, not them. Be a rebel!
Why would you want to listen to next doors microwave? Cooking secrets, what the neighbours are up to...
New stuff is never cheap when introduced. Might drop, slightly, afterwards. Especially if you bought it at the introduction.

Much the same here, more detail will require the fog to lift first.
How'd you think you did in the competition.
The "P" fairy visited it. It's not afraid of Halloween, and things that go bump in the night.
Or, maybe it's feeling deflated at not winning/doing better.

Sabotage, surely not.

These radios never come down..
might get a deal with something thrown in..
but no discounting at all..
basically the same shops and not many at that...

We never bothered with any decoration outside..
It's all Trick and Treat stuff....
what happened to galoshuns (or however it is spelt).
Everything is getting too Americanised...

Bob is in a grumpy mood so I'll stop here:laugh:


Leg End Member
These radios never come down..
might get a deal with something thrown in..
but no discounting at all..
basically the same shops and not many at that...

We never bothered with any decoration outside..
It's all Trick and Treat stuff....
what happened to galoshuns (or however it is spelt).
Everything is getting too Americanised...

Bob is in a grumpy mood so I'll stop here:laugh:
I was thinking more a special "early price", given they're taking deposits.
Limited market and limited suppliers don't help. I mean who'd be buying more than one?

Never bothered with it here. Always too busy out plotting, for the 5th. Then there were "penny for the guy". Some thought they were getting a bargain.
Galoshuns, seems to be a small area along the Clyde only. Seems similar to the Wren Boys in Ireland, on St. Stephen's Day.
They don't want tricks they want treats, and it's usually money now.
Like you, I blame the yanks.

Leg still sore?

Bobby Mhor

Behind You
I was thinking more a special "early price", given they're taking deposits.
Limited market and limited suppliers don't help. I mean who'd be buying more than one?

Never bothered with it here. Always too busy out plotting, for the 5th. Then there were "penny for the guy". Some thought they were getting a bargain.
Galoshuns, seems to be a small area along the Clyde only. Seems similar to the Wren Boys in Ireland, on St. Stephen's Day.
They don't want tricks they want treats, and it's usually money now.
Like you, I blame the yanks.

Leg still sore?

yep.. across the ocean has a lot to blame for..

Leg? still tender, a cough, a cold, a sore throat. And who knows what else,
I'm doing penance for something I've done....

last big count of hams in the UK was 79,000 but over 1,500 of that were club calls, special calls etc..
I now have to update my details every five years so maybe a more precise amount kicking about, RSGB, the main body has 22,000 plus members but a limited market and prices reflect that, it's all these feckin taxes like VAT which was created to pay for our membership of the Common Market (?)..
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