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Bobby Mhor

Behind You

An orgy you say. What were cause of it?
Just think if chocolate hobnobs and cake had been present!!

Operation "London Bridge" now being run. She was sent southwards in style.

Feeling like that:laugh:
Still cut the grass at the back.....

Home alone..
Mrs BM at the tennis in Glesca:cuppa:

I'm going to have a couple of 'Glasgow Oysters' for me tea...
a Nobbly Bobbly for my pudding...

Catching up the game from last night..


Leg End Member
Feeling like that:laugh:
Still cut the grass at the back.....

Home alone..
Mrs BM at the tennis in Glesca:cuppa:

I'm going to have a couple of 'Glasgow Oysters' for me tea...
a Nobbly Bobbly for my pudding...

Catching up the game from last night..
An off-on-off-on sort of day, power wise here.

What were you up to? Better still don't answer that.
I think you're suffering from am overdose of beetroot.
Not one to let it grow under you then. You'll have at least one more cut before the month is out.

Home alone, she trusts you with the cake and biscuit's then. Are there two out of place men in the area?

Did the dripping drip everywhere?

Do they sell Nobbly Bobby's at the games in America?
Yours the winning team this time.

Bobby Mhor

Behind You
An off-on-off-on sort of day, power wise here.

What were you up to? Better still don't answer that.
I think you're suffering from am overdose of beetroot.
Not one to let it grow under you then. You'll have at least one more cut before the month is out.

Home alone, she trusts you with the cake and biscuit's then. Are there two out of place men in the area?

Did the dripping drip everywhere?

Do they sell Nobbly Bobby's at the games in America?
Yours the winning team this time.

Plenty cycling available on't telly..
watched two races, well, decided at start of first one to go cut the grass so it took me 33 kms to cut the grass then 6 km to freshen up..

Had a couple of baby beets at lunch..
'Glasgow oysters' are a mince(not the xmas ones) pie on a buttered roll..delicious.
been a while since I've seen double dip:becool:

I've taken my share (and one of her Wispas):laugh:
Just making sure the other one is still fresh, honest:ohmy:

Nobbly Bobblys are from Iceland....
won in the 10th.....


Leg End Member
Plenty cycling available on't telly..
watched two races, well, decided at start of first one to go cut the grass so it took me 33 kms to cut the grass then 6 km to freshen up..

Had a couple of baby beets at lunch..
'Glasgow oysters' are a mince(not the xmas ones) pie on a buttered roll..delicious.
been a while since I've seen double dip:becool:

I've taken my share (and one of her Wispas):laugh:
Just making sure the other one is still fresh, honest:ohmy:

Nobbly Bobblys are from Iceland....
won in the 10th.....
33 Km garden grass cut, is that a new record? As for 6Km to freshen up, the less said...

Mince pies at this time of year. Yer early!

Any last requests, before she finds out what you've done with her Wispa.
Do you reckon she'll believe you?
Nice knowing you, just in case.

Do they have Iceland in America?


Leg End Member
Morning. I see from the other place he doesn’t seem to frequent it’s a certain young man’s birthday today.

Happy Birthday Mr Bob. 🎂
You mean he gets to have cake and no-one can say nowt to him!

In that case

He can have this one as well.

Bobby Mhor

Behind You
Good morning:hello:
As you may have noticed, it's a cake day..
Next year I'll be a septuagenarian :ohmy:

33 Km garden grass cut, is that a new record? As for 6Km to freshen up, the less said...

Mince pies at this time of year. Yer early!

Any last requests, before she finds out what you've done with her Wispa.
Do you reckon she'll believe you?
Nice knowing you, just in case.

Do they have Iceland in America?

I could do 12 miles?
in a morning session behind a Scag....

Dunno 'bout iceland...
I'm still here waiting on chocolate cake..
Beag had a video message for me earlier and he knows it's chocolate..

Catching up on this mornings game...

Bobby Mhor

Behind You
You mean he gets to have cake and no-one can say nowt to him!

In that case
View attachment 661082
He can have this one as well.

Thanks Mr C...
You can never have too much cake....

Wonder if I get today off?


Leg End Member
Good morning:hello:
As you may have noticed, it's a cake day..
Next year I'll be a septuagenarian :ohmy:

I could do 12 miles?
in a morning session behind a Scag....

Dunno 'bout iceland...
I'm still here waiting on chocolate cake..
Beag had a video message for me earlier and he knows it's chocolate..

Catching up on this mornings game...
I thought cake day was last week. Good job I never said a word.
Is that when you're expected to start acting your age, not that it'll stop you.

Chocolate cake and the Young Un, I think you can forget about seeing it now. Hope you enjoyed any pictures you saw of it.
Video message!
What's wrong with an old fashioned Birthday Card?

Who's losing.

Bobby Mhor

Behind You
See if you say that in twelve hours time.

Why'd you want the day off. You'll be waited on, hand and foot.

See if you say that in twelve hours time.

Why'd you want the day off. You'll be waited on, hand and foot.

Every day is a cake day..
no excuse needed..
I did ask for chocolate cake..
Beag is heading to choose one after granny gets him from nursery..
It'll be war to see who gets the biggest slice....:laugh:


Leg End Member
Every day is a cake day..
no excuse needed..
I did ask for chocolate cake..
Beag is heading to choose one after granny gets him from nursery..
It'll be war to see who gets the biggest slice....:laugh:
Aw well, in that case abstaining for one day won't hurt.
Never said you needed an excuse, it just reinforces your argument/position.

What'll you do if her turns up with chocolate round his mouth, and no cake. In that he beat you to it!
Two slices is all that's required?
Have fun...

Bobby Mhor

Behind You
Aw well, in that case abstaining for one day won't hurt.
Never said you needed an excuse, it just reinforces your argument/position.

What'll you do if her turns up with chocolate round his mouth, and no cake. In that he beat you to it!
Two slices is all that's required?
Have fun...

He can eat the whole cake if he wants:ohmy:
and I'm sure he would try..
after that it's just another day as don't pass on what I have to any of the family.
I've got beer etc:laugh:
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