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Bobby Mhor

Behind You
If they really wanted to grow, would they need any encouraging?
I think they might be on "grow slow" just so you feed them more.

You don't eat tomatoes!!
Nice of you to leave them for the Young Un to enjoy though.

She knows not all flowers are edible?

One a day isn't enough.

My youngest and her boyfriend not tomato fans..
I love 'matoes.....

Beag not a fan either..
strange people about:laugh:

I tried dandelion leaf the other day and still not a fan....

and no I never pee'd the bed as we called them when younger:ohmy:
Must have been something in naming them that...
Need to eat lots to get the pee effect...apparently..


Leg End Member
My youngest and her boyfriend not tomato fans..
I love 'matoes.....

Beag not a fan either..
strange people about:laugh:

I tried dandelion leaf the other day and still not a fan....

and no I never pee'd the bed as we called them when younger:ohmy:
Must have been something in naming them that...
Need to eat lots to get the pee effect...apparently..
What did you do to your offspring to put them off tomatoes? Worse still they've passed their dislike on a generation. You've work to do with the Young Un, to get him eating more of them.

Strange folk indeed, I'd blame the parents?

You can get dandelions growing anywhere, why'd you want them in your garden.

Dandelions an odd name, or a local name?

You could take up winemaking, making dandelion wine.

Bobby Mhor

Behind You

What did you do to your offspring to put them off tomatoes? Worse still they've passed their dislike on a generation. You've work to do with the Young Un, to get him eating more of them.

Strange folk indeed, I'd blame the parents?

You can get dandelions growing anywhere, why'd you want them in your garden.

Dandelions an odd name, or a local name?

You could take up winemaking, making dandelion wine.

Wine, been there etc etc etc
Got a starter kit downstairs somewhere but haven't got round to it..
Beetroot wine..
a better way to get pickled :laugh:

Didn't really have the space last place but plenty made..
I must have been doing something right, had more than a few malolactic fermentation events...
start up costs would be a tad expensive now....
who knows, watch this space...
no beer though, was enjoying it too much:cuppa:


Leg End Member

Wine, been there etc etc etc
Got a starter kit downstairs somewhere but haven't got round to it..
Beetroot wine..
a better way to get pickled :laugh:

Didn't really have the space last place but plenty made..
I must have been doing something right, had more than a few malolactic fermentation events...
start up costs would be a tad expensive now....
who knows, watch this space...
no beer though, was enjoying it too much:cuppa:

Should give it another go. Something to take down the scout hut.

Pickling from the inside out, not how it's normally done.

Did you enjoy the end results though.
What's cheap these day?

From seed to pint, the fruits of your labour.

Bobby Mhor

Behind You
Last flight she'll make.

ADS-B was running slow earlier today, probably folk watching out for the flight going in.

Over half a million tracking it, has to be some sort of record for a flight.

and before it

It shows the unbelievable popularity that the late Queen had worldwide....


Leg End Member
Owdo, this fine morn

Start the day with no power, 6,000+ houses with no electric. Pandemonium as there's no telly to watch. And they can't charge their phones.

Soon be back on, hopefully.


Leg End Member
late to the party:cuppa:
an orgy of tea drinking everywhere, the shame of it all..

I'd hate to think what it would be like if chocolate hobnobs were present;)

she's your lot across the border responsibility now....

An orgy you say. What were cause of it?
Just think if chocolate hobnobs and cake had been present!!

Operation "London Bridge" now being run. She was sent southwards in style.
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