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Leg End Member
Not a big Magners fan..
I'll drink it though but none of this glass full of ice pish......
nor a fan of this single apple stuff either..

I gave up trying some of those artisan craft beers as i found most were fizzy water, did find that two were excellent for making steak 'n' ale pie.....
I can't afford the real ale uniform of checked shirt and cardigan (beard optional)

JOTA next month..
Jamboree of the air ...
I'm helping out, probably I'll be tea bob..
hopefully not like that special event station recently when two of the crew got covid.....

I couldn't have been like a walrus, I ain't got tusks...
aarf, arrrf:ohmy:
You're not a White lightning fan!
Just waters it down, and if you get it in a bar you end up with less than you paid for.

I thought you were going all "arty crafty" in yer food and drink.
You can afford the beard, you'll save even money not shaving.

Hated being the warden when that was on. Certain people ignoring site rules.
Keep a certain amount of cake, and other essentials out of sight, for those in the kitchen.
After all, you stand and serve.
You nowhere near?

Might have been pulled out, as they were jabbing her!

Bobby Mhor

Behind You
You're not a White lightning fan!
Just waters it down, and if you get it in a bar you end up with less than you paid for.

I thought you were going all "arty crafty" in yer food and drink.
You can afford the beard, you'll save even money not shaving.

Hated being the warden when that was on. Certain people ignoring site rules.
Keep a certain amount of cake, and other essentials out of sight, for those in the kitchen.
After all, you stand and serve.
You nowhere near?

Might have been pulled out, as they were jabbing her!

Have you seen the price of those ciders up here?
Nanny state upped the price big style and no, terrible stuff..
every unit of alcohol costs 50p..
The crazy thing is, the shops make the extra money.....

That's my loup de loup making and pickling kitchen...
no bad at the cake game either..

The rest of us avoided it, thankfully..


Leg End Member
Have you seen the price of those ciders up here?
Nanny state upped the price big style and no, terrible stuff..
every unit of alcohol costs 50p..
The crazy thing is, the shops make the extra money.....

That's my loup de loup making and pickling kitchen...
no bad at the cake game either..

The rest of us avoided it, thankfully..
No, but it can be bought for under a £1 per litre, £2.50 for a three litre bottle. Mentioned because it's the cheap stuff down here
Sounds about right.

You finished yer pickling, already!!

What's the cake game, making or eating?

Avoided, just as well. Stay that way.

Bobby Mhor

Behind You
No, but it can be bought for under a £1 per litre, £2.50 for a three litre bottle. Mentioned because it's the cheap stuff down here
Sounds about right.

You finished yer pickling, already!!

What's the cake game, making or eating?

Avoided, just as well. Stay that way.

I knew of vans heading south on booze runs for it:laugh:
Mind you I'll be in the Lakes mid Oct SO..........:cuppa:

Funnily the Sud ermarket has beetroot on special next week and I've a jar of pickling vinegar spare, my pickled baby beets got the thumbs up last weekend by the family..
latest batch is almost ready so once beets are finished...

I worked in a hotel kitchen very early 70s, got hit with filling the sweet trolley making so learned odd thing then..
I did my KP / HP odd jobs Bob as well:laugh:
I just couldn't pipe anything though no matter how I tried...

Beag is here on my birthday and will have a big cheesy grin when he sees the cake...

The screw tops I mentioned were quart bottles, I remember Strongbow, Woodpecker but there was another, Old English rings a bell but I'm not sure..



Leg End Member
I knew of vans heading south on booze runs for it:laugh:
Mind you I'll be in the Lakes mid Oct SO..........:cuppa:

Funnily the Sud ermarket has beetroot on special next week and I've a jar of pickling vinegar spare, my pickled baby beets got the thumbs up last weekend by the family..
latest batch is almost ready so once beets are finished...

I worked in a hotel kitchen very early 70s, got hit with filling the sweet trolley making so learned odd thing then..
I did my KP / HP odd jobs Bob as well:laugh:
I just couldn't pipe anything though no matter how I tried...

Beag is here on my birthday and will have a big cheesy grin when he sees the cake...

The screw tops I mentioned were quart bottles, I remember Strongbow, Woodpecker but there was another, Old English rings a bell but I'm not sure..

When news reaches us of a booze convoy being followed/pursued into Scotland, we'll know who's behind it.

The sud market, you pickling yerssen already?
You said they'd be on special offer, you were right.
Still plan on pickling yours then.

Aye, you know, it goes well with a cuppa. Especially for a tea boy.
Thought as much...

Not in the kitchen, they'll have got nowt out to the diners awaiting their meals.

Hell be catching up with you in no time whatsoever, before you know it.
And you'll be the one they blame for the bad habits he's picked up.

I remember the big bottles. Bought at the off-licence or supermarket.

Bulmers, Thatcher's?


Bobby Mhor

Behind You

When news reaches us of a booze convoy being followed/pursued into Scotland, we'll know who's behind it.

The sud market, you pickling yerssen already?
You said they'd be on special offer, you were right.
Still plan on pickling yours then.

Aye, you know, it goes well with a cuppa. Especially for a tea boy.
Thought as much...

Not in the kitchen, they'll have got nowt out to the diners awaiting their meals.

Hell be catching up with you in no time whatsoever, before you know it.
And you'll be the one they blame for the bad habits he's picked up.

I remember the big bottles. Bought at the off-licence or supermarket.

Bulmers, Thatcher's?


Yeah, may as well use the vinegar up...
3 500ml kilner jars 'pickling' as we speak so may as well use what's left for stores..

I think others can rest safely but theirs isn't created at the hands of an artisanal genius:ohmy:

Off sales oop here, and Bulmers...

Beag? nah, his mum can bake top notch cake...
I'm surrounding with home baking talent...
my late mum in law taught well:cuppa:


Leg End Member

Yeah, may as well use the vinegar up...
3 500ml kilner jars 'pickling' as we speak so may as well use what's left for stores..

I think others can rest safely but theirs isn't created at the hands of an artisanal genius:ohmy:

Off sales oop here, and Bulmers...

Beag? nah, his mum can bake top notch cake...
I'm surrounding with home baking talent...
my late mum in law taught well:cuppa:

Not a case of I've bought so I'll use it on/in something is it? Would it, vinegar, have kept till next year.
You'll have pickled beetroot with everything soon. Just to use it up.

Try selling a jar of yours, raised and nurtured by your own hands, then pickled by yourself.
"From the seed to the seed to the sarnie."

As for the young in, it was more the habit of having his cake and eating it, I were thinking of. Habit he'll have picked up from you. Along with chocolate, and biscuit's.

You'll not go short then, unless raw supplies run out...

Bobby Mhor

Behind You

Not a case of I've bought so I'll use it on/in something is it? Would it, vinegar, have kept till next year.
You'll have pickled beetroot with everything soon. Just to use it up.

Try selling a jar of yours, raised and nurtured by your own hands, then pickled by yourself.
"From the seed to the seed to the sarnie."

As for the young in, it was more the habit of having his cake and eating it, I were thinking of. Habit he'll have picked up from you. Along with chocolate, and biscuit's.

You'll not go short then, unless raw supplies run out...

I do consume a fair amount of P beetroot...
it wouldn't get wasted plus I have family eager for a jar....
I'll grow more next year..
haven't tried on buttered bread yet

I dropped the hint for chocolate :cuppa:


Leg End Member
I do consume a fair amount of P beetroot...
it wouldn't get wasted plus I have family eager for a jar....
I'll grow more next year..
haven't tried on buttered bread yet

I dropped the hint for chocolate :cuppa:
Pickled beetroot on yer three meals a day then?
They only getting the one jar, to last through the winter months. Will they survive.
Don't think you'd be able to grow enough to meet your needs, not with just a garden to grow it in. Have you thought about having a "living roof". Extra growing space, and possibly monetary gains to be made by it.
Will you be trying it anytime soon, possibly on yer toast!

Did anyone pick up the chocolate hints.

Bobby Mhor

Behind You
Pickled beetroot on yer three meals a day then?
They only getting the one jar, to last through the winter months. Will they survive.
Don't think you'd be able to grow enough to meet your needs, not with just a garden to grow it in. Have you thought about having a "living roof". Extra growing space, and possibly monetary gains to be made by it.
Will you be trying it anytime soon, possibly on yer toast!

Did anyone pick up the chocolate hints.

I have decided chocolate in all forms is bad...

send to me for disposal:whistle:

Living roof?
get outta here..
bad enough cutting the grass..

All the plants and stuff are just a side project..
mind you the sweet peas are still producing although we'll see how it lasts, just gave them a light feed.
First cutting was 1st July so not too shabby..

Our plants etc are in pots and troughs so off now to tickle and tidy after:cuppa:


Leg End Member
I have decided chocolate in all forms is bad...

send to me for disposal:whistle:

Living roof?
get outta here..
bad enough cutting the grass..

All the plants and stuff are just a side project..
mind you the sweet peas are still producing although we'll see how it lasts, just gave them a light feed.
First cutting was 1st July so not too shabby..

Our plants etc are in pots and troughs so off now to tickle and tidy after:cuppa:
If you think I'm sending you my chocolate, you've another thing coming.

I can dispose of mine all by myself, no help required.

There might be money to made from it, on grounds that they're good for the environment. Reduce your Co2 footprint.
You'd only have to go up to pick whatever you planted.

It's just a step up from growing in troughs at ground level, which you've already done.
Darker, longer nights anything to do with them still producing. Whilst you're not around, watching what they were doing.
Stop feeding them!

Bobby Mhor

Behind You
If you think I'm sending you my chocolate, you've another thing coming.

I can dispose of mine all by myself, no help required.

There might be money to made from it, on grounds that they're good for the environment. Reduce your Co2 footprint.
You'd only have to go up to pick whatever you planted.

It's just a step up from growing in troughs at ground level, which you've already done.
Darker, longer nights anything to do with them still producing. Whilst you're not around, watching what they were doing.
Stop feeding them!

Light feed.....
just encouraginga final flourish
tomatoes too..
but not expecting much of the toms, youngest Mhor has done well with the cherry toms and surprise, no one in the house eats tomatoes:laugh:

Mrs M has expressed what she wants grown next year...
that's my ideas out the window;)...


Monaday, just the one today then?

That's all we get one-a-day even though tamorra is twos-a-day


Leg End Member
Light feed.....
just encouraginga final flourish
tomatoes too..
but not expecting much of the toms, youngest Mhor has done well with the cherry toms and surprise, no one in the house eats tomatoes:laugh:

Mrs M has expressed what she wants grown next year...
that's my ideas out the window;)...

That's all we get one-a-day even though tamorra is twos-a-day
If they really wanted to grow, would they need any encouraging?
I think they might be on "grow slow" just so you feed them more.

You don't eat tomatoes!!
Nice of you to leave them for the Young Un to enjoy though.

She knows not all flowers are edible?

One a day isn't enough.
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