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Leg End Member
10.9 mm today and falling...
beetroot officially ready and tasting good..
although not many wee beets left..
next week will see the second batch of sliced beetroot ready..
just in time for that Sud or Nord store to have beetroot on offer,
I've still got a spare jar of pickling vinegar......
And falling..., you mean it's getting less/going back up!
You got yer basket ready for the harvest?
Then there's the cleaning, top and tailing, leaving you with a lot you can't do much with.
Not many lefy, you been eating them on the sly.
Offer them yours, using the "home grown/artisan" line. None of this mass produced/grown stuff.
Have you worked out how you'll pickle yourself, and managed to get everything required!

Bobby Mhor

Behind You
And falling..., you mean it's getting less/going back up!
You got yer basket ready for the harvest?
Then there's the cleaning, top and tailing, leaving you with a lot you can't do much with.
Not many lefy, you been eating them on the sly.
Offer them yours, using the "home grown/artisan" line. None of this mass produced/grown stuff.
Have you worked out how you'll pickle yourself, and managed to get everything required!

I'm trying some chilled cider just now..
only semi pickled:laugh:
Provisions manager got my fave cider mixed up..
40 years? (46 together) and how can you make that mistake.............

Retraining needed......

I'll use the Ted and Dougal Near and Far lesson....


Leg End Member
I'm trying some chilled cider just now..
only semi pickled:laugh:
Provisions manager got my fave cider mixed up..
40 years? (46 together) and how can you make that mistake.............

Retraining needed......

I'll use the Ted and Dougal Near and Far lesson....
Was the wait worth it?
Well if your provisions manager is as bad as you're making out, I can understand the only half pickled.
You need to write it down in a place that can't be missed/mislaid. Fewer excuses then.
There is the possibility that your favorite cider may be out of stock though. She got the next best thing.

You reckon that lesson will work, or lead to you being pickled a bit quicker?


Legendary Member

It's a strange feeling when some one (kind of prominent) in your life leaves it,
HMQ has been there the entire time..

:cuppa: to contemplate

I felt a bit strange when I got up this morning too. Really feels like part of life as we knew it has gone.

It was :rain: here earlier so haven't been out yet. Might have a wander later. Just plonked myself down with a cuppa after eating my porridge.

Bobby Mhor

Behind You
Was the wait worth it?
Well if your provisions manager is as bad as you're making out, I can understand the only half pickled.
You need to write it down in a place that can't be missed/mislaid. Fewer excuses then.
There is the possibility that your favorite cider may be out of stock though. She got the next best thing.

You reckon that lesson will work, or lead to you being pickled a bit quicker?

Plenty pickling stuff..
lack of alcohol (beers etc)...yes

The last batch is for testing:ohmy: mid week just in time for cut price beets the next day....
I still have an empty jar and backup once the pickling juice is used:ohmy:
I felt a bit strange when I got up this morning too. Really feels like part of life as we knew it has gone.

It was :rain: here earlier so haven't been out yet. Might have a wander later. Just plonked myself down with a cuppa after eating my porridg

She reminded me of an old fashioned Scots granny and that favourite aunt you never met but always seemed to be there..
Strange day indeed..


Leg End Member
I felt a bit strange when I got up this morning too. Really feels like part of life as we knew it has gone.

It was :rain: here earlier so haven't been out yet. Might have a wander later. Just plonked myself down with a cuppa after eating my porridge.
An odd morning right enough

The rain hit here at 1223. Hope you got out after the porridge.

Bobby Mhor

Behind You
Owdo, this fine afternoon

T'is I'll agree with you there.

Strong coffee?

had enough coffee for the day:cuppa:
Dry here now..

Bobby Mhor

Behind You
Morning all:hello:
Nice out ( well it looks like it:laugh:)
I'm doing sod all today....
only moving for essentials.....

Mrs M saying I was doing walrus impressions around 3.30 this morning...
I do have a bit of a cold..
She exaggerates methinks....

as Bob snorts and wheezes:laugh:
Taking it steady if you're uncertain is too bad. Think of it as trying a new food or drink.

Down the scout hut again!
Has yer cider settled yet...

It has worked but hey, have to plan outings :laugh:

Dib dib and all that...

Cider is cider at the end, I'm sure this an old brand from the 60s/70s repackaged, once sold in yon screw topped bottles....same sweetness (I'm more a dry (other types available)cider(other drink types available) person (other genders available)


Leg End Member
Morning all:hello:
Nice out ( well it looks like it:laugh:)
I'm doing sod all today....
only moving for essentials.....

Mrs M saying I was doing walrus impressions around 3.30 this morning...
I do have a bit of a cold..
She exaggerates methinks....

as Bob snorts and wheezes:laugh:

It has worked but hey, have to plan outings :laugh:

Dib dib and all that...

Cider is cider at the end, I'm sure this an old brand from the 60s/70s repackaged, once sold in yon screw topped bottles....same sweetness (I'm more a dry (other types available)cider(other drink types available) person (other genders available)
Dry out, I can say, and see, that much.
Normal day then.
What's classified as "essentials"?

Yer certain she is exaggerating. I mean whilst you were there at the time, you never actually heard anything did you.
Maybe a combination of yer cold and a bad dream...

Take it easy today, I would if I were you

Yer'll get used to things, then yer body will sometime after. Don't worry...

Going down the scout hut might be behind yer cold.
Ever take them for their radio badges?

You can still get cider in bottles with screw-top lids. And its not always the cheap stuff.
You tried pear cider yet? That could be a second fruit helping of the day.

Bobby Mhor

Behind You
Dry out, I can say, and see, that much.
Normal day then.
What's classified as "essentials"?

Yer certain she is exaggerating. I mean whilst you were there at the time, you never actually heard anything did you.
Maybe a combination of yer cold and a bad dream...

Take it easy today, I would if I were you

Yer'll get used to things, then yer body will sometime after. Don't worry...

Going down the scout hut might be behind yer cold.
Ever take them for their radio badges?

You can still get cider in bottles with screw-top lids. And its not always the cheap stuff.
You tried pear cider yet? That could be a second fruit helping of the day.

Not a big Magners fan..
I'll drink it though but none of this glass full of ice pish......
nor a fan of this single apple stuff either..

I gave up trying some of those artisan craft beers as i found most were fizzy water, did find that two were excellent for making steak 'n' ale pie.....
I can't afford the real ale uniform of checked shirt and cardigan (beard optional)

JOTA next month..
Jamboree of the air ...
I'm helping out, probably I'll be tea bob..
hopefully not like that special event station recently when two of the crew got covid.....

I couldn't have been like a walrus, I ain't got tusks...
aarf, arrrf:ohmy:
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