Tea? (Part 4)

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World class procrastinator
I have got a job. Proper one - still self employed but better paid than grooming bloody dogs. I was offered it last week, gave the chap a call this week and discussed the nuts and bolts of it today. Training for 2 days next week (avoiding Thursdays) and then t'werk from 8th June onwards. I feel a bit weird actually.

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
I have got a job. Proper one - still self employed but better paid than grooming bloody dogs. I was offered it last week, gave the chap a call this week and discussed the nuts and bolts of it today. Training for 2 days next week (avoiding Thursdays) and then t'werk from 8th June onwards. I feel a bit weird actually.

Well done @Saluki. Congratulations


Legendary Member
You're planning on not going to bed again!

Yep, later this evening, before I get up to go to work :smile:


One for @stephec
Steak, Guinness®, mushrooms and onions in a shortcrust pastry, with peas, gravy and seasoned chips or mash
Seasoned chips?

Reminds me of the hotel we stay in when we go to Germany.

They have lovely crispy chips that they always serve with a schnitzel, with some kind of powdered coating on them.


World class procrastinator
Dog grooming as an extra then?

Probably not. I've been grooming, on and off since 1976 and it would be fair to say that I am bored to tears with it. I used to love it. Now, it's a real drag. I'll keep a couple of dogs on, not to keep my hand in but because I like the owners. My client's are lovely and I've only got about a dozen on my books now so as they or their dogs shuffle off this mortal coil, I'll not be replacing them. The wear and tear on my body is telling now. My head says I'm 25. My body tells another story. On busy days, when I get home, sometimes I am surprised that I have a reflection, when I feel like the undead.

What is it that you're going to be doing?
The company has the contract for the new smart gas & electric meters, being put into peoples houses so it's sorting the meters out for people really.
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