Tea? (Part 4)

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Leg End Member
One for @stephec
Steak, Guinness®, mushrooms and onions in a shortcrust pastry, with peas, gravy and seasoned chips or mash


Right Teepees, off to Junior Fu's Degree Show so won't be around tonight - behave yourselves while I'm away, i DONT want to find out later you've all fallen out.

See ya's!


Leg End Member
How about a diamond then. Only $100!



N Ireland
Hi folks :hello:. Just thought I'd check-in.
My TOD in the cat-house ended yesterday so I have more time to myself now. Weather very hot and humid.

Bit of a development on the singing/language front last night. We were in our favourite taverna enjoying our dinner and a live traditional Greek Bouzouki 2 piece band when the owner suggested I do a bit of Greek karaoke. I thought of a song that would match the music being played and was singing a verse to Mrs B to see what she thought when one of the band heard me and came over to enquire what songs I could do. It turned out one of the songs I only half know was on their song list so I was invited to sing live with them and did so - what a buzz:hyper:. Anyways, they gave me the names of 3 songs to learn for next week so that I can perform with them. I've spent the day getting the lyrics and translating 2 of them and I'll look at the 3rd tomorrow. The first 2 seem just about doable after listening to them on YouTube. I can't believe I may be singing 3 songs live with a traditional Greek band in a taverna next week, or that I sang 1 song with them last night. What a long way I've come from sitting on my turbo trainer a few Winters ago teaching myself a bit of Greek to help the time pass as I spun the pedals. Gobsmacked!!!!!!!!!!!!
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