Tea? (Part 4)

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Legendary Member
Depends on how fast you can get there.

Flash mob :hyper::hyper::hyper:


Middle Earth
@ScotiaLass you might know the answer to this.

I've been reading a book about nurses during WWII, and there's a mention of one passing out as a state registered nurse.

I remember when I was a kid there was SRN's and enrolled nurses, and was there RGN's as well?

What's the difference between them?
State registered nurses were what they were called before they became registered general nurses. RGN training is 3 years, State Enrolled is 2.
They no longer do state enrolled nursing programmes. The nurses were still qualified and did much the same job but couldn't progress on to sister.

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.

Mmmm. Last one out, please turn off all the lights
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