Tea? (Part 4)

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welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
Hi folks :hello:. Just thought I'd check-in.
My TOD in the cat-house ended yesterday so I have more time to myself now. Weather very hot and humid.

Bit of a development on the singing/language front last night. We were in our favourite taverna enjoying our dinner and a live traditional Greek Bouzouki 2 piece band when the owner suggested I do a bit of Greek karaoke. I thought of a song that would match the music being played and was singing a verse to Mrs B to see what she thought when one of the band heard me and came over to enquire what songs I could do. It turned out one of the songs I only half know was on their song list so I was invited to sing live with them and did so - what a buzz:hyper:. Anyways, they gave me the names of 3 songs to learn for next week so that I can perform with them. I've spent the day getting the lyrics and translating 2 of them and I'll look at the 3rd tomorrow. The first 2 seem just about doable after listening to them on YouTube. I can't believe I may be singing 3 songs live with a traditional Greek band in a taverna next week, or that I sang 1 song with them last night. What a long way I've come from sitting on my turbo trainer a few Winters ago teaching myself a bit of Greek to help the time pass as I spun the pedals. Gobsmacked!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well done @Blue. You deserve a big pat on the back for that.


Legendary Member
"The wrong side of the bed is the left side, according to a superstition that goes back to the time of the Romans. People have been saying other people 'got up on the wrong side of the bed,' 'awoke surly or grouchy,' for well over three centuries now, usually not knowing the real meaning of what they are saying, but the equally old expression 'got up left foot forward' tells the story. The supposedly sinister nature of the left is reflected in many English superstitions and expressions, such as the belief that it is unlucky to put your left shoe first, or to walk into a house left foot first. The Romans, especially Augustus Caesar, were very careful that they got up on the right side of the bed, but there is no evidence that they were less grouchy than anyone else."
From "
Encyclopedia of Word and Phrase Origins" by Robert Hendrickson (Facts on File, New York, 1997).

Cheers for that, too late for me though


Legendary Member
Where's the onion rings?
And was it the Classic?
BBQ Stacker
6oz* 100% UK & Irish beef burger topped with bacon, Monterey Jack
cheese, onion rings and BBQ sauce with a side of Ballymaloe™ relish
Energy (KJ): 5,625
Energy (KCal): 1,339
Fat (g): 65.1
Saturates (g): 21.5
Carbohydrates (g): 135.5
Sugars (g): 30.3
Protein (g): 50.9
Salt (g):5.51

You assuming the role of dietician now :laugh:

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
Left side as you lie on the bed, with your feet at the bottom of the bed?

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