Evening, tea swillers. Been offline for a few days, as I'm now on my hols. 4 1/4hr ferry crossing and 820 mile drive now behind us, and we're now at our new home for the next week, in the Corbieres Hills of Languedoc. 28 degrees here, so we've done nothing but loaf in the pool since we got here.
I tried to post a message from the stop-over hotel last night, but I had a few problems. At first I could only get French internet, so when I googled "Cycle Chat", it came up with "
cycles menstruels de la chatte" (menstrual cycles of cats)!

When I eventually found the right site via Google, that damned annoying predictive text kicked in, and "Evening, tea swillers" defaulted to "tea swimmers". Sod this, I'll say "tea sippers", I thought. ....So "tea zippers" it said..

I gave up. Now I've got through. I'm suffering from creative block.