Tea? (Part 2)

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Midlands UK

Well done girls :thumbsup:


West Somerset
used to have a cat that went mental for bleach, it had the same effect on her as catnip.
Ooh, talking of catnip, been meaning to give a cheeky plug for Plague Rats, made by someone I know:
Our Plague Rats are handmade by us from natural linen, wool and leather. Stuffed with our tried and tested blend of top quality catnip herb and coarsely chopped valerian root, your cat will be delighted to 'protect' you from this fearsome beastie.
Edit: piccie


West Somerset
I'm sure he'll settle down soon. I hope so, I'm still excited about him coming to live with you.

I'd like a kitten but Mrs R says that we are away so much that it wouldn't be fair and I think she's probably right. I'd also like a dog....a bull dog...did I mention that?
Bull dogs are :wub: but have been ruined by years of bad breeding. They're very difficult to get in pup, suffer from all kind of horrible problems and have unnaturally short lives - and all because of unscrupulous breeders :gun:::cry::ninja::cry:

But in happy news, I discovered this amazing photo on Sally's website:


West Somerset
I saw a programme on TV a while ago where a bull dog breeder had started to try and improve the health of the bulldog strain by lengthening the face and nose bones and improving the back legs. He was cross breeding with another breed and seemed to have eradicated some of those worst features. It obviously creates problems with the pedigree but it made a fitter, better looking dog.

Pedigree be damned, the health and welfare of animals should be a priority over a bit of paper. When will we learn that animals aren't fashion accessories?


West Somerset
Mrs R was telling me that tail docking in dogs and cats has now been made illegal. Is that true?

(apparently she said the Queen was upset because corgis can no longer have their traditional short tail)
For cosmetic reasons, yes. Obviously it's allowed for health reasons and some working dog breeds are exempt from the ban.


Do I need to get the spray plaster out?
Mrs R was telling me that tail docking in dogs and cats has now been made illegal. Is that true?

(apparently she said the Queen was upset because corgis can no longer have their traditional short tail)

Yes unless it is, unless they are working and it is needed for health reasons.

The Animal Welfare Act 2006 makes the docking of dogs' tails a criminal offence, except for working dogs such as those used by the police force, the military, rescue services, pest control, and those used in connection with lawful animal shooting. Three options were presented to Parliament in March 2006 with Parliament opting for the second:

  • An outright ban on docking dogs' tails (opposed by a majority of 278 to 267)
  • A ban on docking dogs' tails with an exception for working dogs (supported by a majority of 476 to 63)
  • Retention of the status quo.
Those convicted of unlawful docking are liable to a fine of up to £20,000, up to 51 weeks of imprisonment or both.


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
Hello all, we're back!

Lovely weekend in Whitby, but the phone signal wasn't great so I struggled to get online.

We had a lovely evening arrival on Friday, eating dinner with the rest of the non-cycling party, then managed not to repeat our mistake of last year, which was to accidentally stay up until 2am chatting. We wanted to get up early this year to meet the cycling party at the cafe. So we were in bed before midnight.

And woken at 3am. One of the cycling party was struggling (having had the lurgy earlier in the week), and we were needed to go out and rescue them. It had to be us, because the other car of the party was blocked in at the house by some idiot who'd parked on double yellows outside the gate - our car was parked up the road in the FREE car park...

So we drove back over to just the other side of Pickering, picked up the rider and trike and brought her back to Whitby. There was then time to get an hour of rest before it was time to get up and wander down to the cafe...

A full breakfast restored us all, and it was back to the house to doze the morning away. After lunch, we all went our separate ways, NT and I wandered over the river and up to the Abbey, for tea and cake in the cafe, and then back down to look in some of the Goth shops, and admire the zillions of steampunk costumes being worn. Then it was fish and chips for tea. This morning we had a big old full English breakfast, and wandered out for a bit of a scamper on the beach, before all heading home.

It was a bit blowy! But we managed to dodge the worst of the wet over the weekend.

Shattered now. Fortunately we were able to bring home a load of bits and pieces of leftover food, so dinner will be easy....

Hello Bob!
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