Tea? (Part 2)

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Leg End Member
I'd love like to know how you know that bit. And how often you do ask for & actually get your money back. There's a side of you not been seen on here before.
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Leg End Member
I'm not going to even click on that link Classic, my ISP could call the police :laugh:
Its that or a quick bike ride to Leeds!!

Hill Wimp

Fair weathered,fair minded but easily persuaded.
Part 1 is so far so good though my bank balance seems to have gone down by £630 !
Did make me laugh , the dentist said" just to soften the blow we will take of the price of the failed emergency filling that only lasted 2 days."

Part 2 is in 2 weeks time.


Midlands UK
I'm sure you are used to it but you have my sympathy (fat lot of good that will do you I know but anyway). The only thing I have a reaction to is fabric Elastoplast. Or at least the fabric plaster tape they use when you go to give blood. The other stuff (micropore?) I'm OK with. So long as you don't become allergic to cycling. :sad:

Chrysanthamums make me sneeze and my eyes water, if I touch them then I get very itchy, red and inflamed hands, cold water and lotions seem to help, I can't have codeine as it makes the world a really weird, disorientated place. Apart from that I seem to be ok. It must be difficult living with allergies to things that most of us take for granted and live with everyday. My mum was diagnosed with diabetes a couple of years ago so now she has to think about what she puts on her plate.
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