Tea? (Part 2)

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Puzzle game procrastinator!
Well personally I think it's because I never get sick (flu, colds, etc.) So it makes sense that there should be something to even it out.
In a way, that does make sense ... If your immune system is really sensitive so that at the slightest sign of an infection, it jumps into action and kills it off, then you could also see it being triggered by a bit too much of a certain chemical, protein, whatever?
I was allergic to dairy when I was a kid so I knew several other kids that had allergies too. Dairy , nuts, wheat, seafood and strawberries.
But you are probably a quarter of a century younger than me - I grew up in the 1960s!

somewhere in america

member of the unknown
For the record, the correct way to eat fish fingers is with pink mashed potato.


somewhere in america

member of the unknown
In a way, that does make sense ... If your immune system is really sensitive so that at the slightest sign of an infection, it jumps into action and kills it off, then you could also see it being triggered by a bit too much of a certain chemical, protein, whatever?

It is supposed to be an auto-immune disorder which never made any sense to me because my immunity is so strong I can be around really sick infectious people and won't get sick. When I was little I would get ear aches from temp changes and I did get chicken pox (very mild). Now if the temp changes drastically (hot to cold) and I don't wear an undershirt I will get Bronchitis, but that's not from immunity it's because I was born with weak lungs (my mom smoked during her pregnancy with me). The better shape I am in the less likely I will get Bronchitis.

By the way, the way you've explained it makes perfect sense now.... you have explained it better then any doctor has!

somewhere in america

member of the unknown
In a way, that does make sense ... If your immune system is really sensitive so that at the slightest sign of an infection, it jumps into action and kills it off, then you could also see it being triggered by a bit too much of a certain chemical, protein, whatever?

But you are probably a quarter of a century younger than me - I grew up in the 1960s!

Was born in 74 so yes you are older

Hill Wimp

Fair weathered,fair minded but easily persuaded.
Ta Dah

:hello: campers :cuppa: arhh thats better.


Re member eR
Well personally I think it's because I never get sick (flu, colds, etc.) So it makes sense that there should be something to even it out. I'm also allergic to certain dyes like the dark wash in blue jeans and chemicals that are prone to be in shampoo like parabans and dimethicone or something like that.
though really the fish thing isn't a true allergy as I just gget really sick for 24 hours like sleeping on the bathroom floor cuz I'm too weak to move further than the toilet. If it were just a rash or hives... I'd eat fish, especially sushi as I LOVE sushi
I'm sure you are used to it but you have my sympathy (fat lot of good that will do you I know but anyway). The only thing I have a reaction to is fabric Elastoplast. Or at least the fabric plaster tape they use when you go to give blood. The other stuff (micropore?) I'm OK with. So long as you don't become allergic to cycling. :sad:
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