Tea? (Part 2)

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Über Member
New Forest
No feel sorry for me Squidge has just returned from his bike ride with Papa, Dad then informs me he has indeed bought inflatable canoe/kayak for Squidge's Birthday in October :sad:

When I said I thought you were going to wait until he was older? I got told no that was your Mum that decided that not me and I have got it and so there I shall wrap it all up for him as it is in boxes and phone your brother to get him to send a lifejacket to fit you :eek: as you will most likely need it

Wonderful! - not sheesh!
Its not there friends that are a bad influence its the grand parents who are trouble. I have to be dragged along to the local
ditch to watch child dangle a defenceless worm on a hook for hours because grandad said it would be "good fun" .


Do I need to get the spray plaster out?
Its not there friends that are a bad influence its the grand parents who are trouble. I have to be dragged along to the local
ditch to watch child dangle a defenceless worm on a hook for hours because grandad said it would be "good fun" .

This is true, Dad is 70 and not capable of getting in it (he does not even attempt to pedal his electric bike & I am not sure he is capable) so he is quite safe, he seems to think I would love to get in the freezing river with Squidge and is not listening to "no", just told hubby that will be him then, unless he wishes to have words with my Dad on the subject as I am not being listened too. At least Mr P actually goes in the river in summer I won't even go in, on yes - in, no.


Puzzle game procrastinator!
Cornwall and Devon are hilly. Parts of Scotland are also hilly. But the in between bits are fine :-)
Not the way that I would do it! I would detour off into Wales and then return to the Pennines and head up through the Peak District, call in here for a change of clothes and a cuppa, then head up through the Dales with another detour off onto the North York Moors en route.


My Armchair
Mmm turns out it was one of those mystery no puncture punctures, took it all apart couldn't find a leak so refitted and it's holding up OK :scratch:

And to make me even more confussled I turned the telly on and women are playing football :unsure: :whistle:


Leg End Member
I wish! At least it is all clear now, Mr P got a letter saying you underpaid tax, (he handed the whole pile of poo over to me as I have done payroll)

So I got him to give me all his payslips and pension statements and I peered through then it was so fun and exciting!

So I did write to the HMRC and I did say not paying, why you just decided to change tax code so both incomes have full personal allowance and then change so where as before

Pension = personal allowance and Job = Basic rate,

you then made it Pension = personal allowance and Job = personal allowance

and now you make it

Pension = Basic Rate Job = personal allowance

So no not paying just cos silly clerk in tax office did decide to fiddle and do wrong things....

So 2 months later we receive a letter saying, no no no silly clerk not decide to fiddle you tell us here is my P45 I gots me a new job not say anything about the lully pensions...

job = main employment = we want personal allowance tax code on it and you get notice for new coding and you not say no.

So I says to Mr P did you get new tax code - yes he says but I don't understand these fings I is a simple man I did fill in the P46 when I started the work fings like the nice man who rehabilitated me for the outside world did tell me to I thought tax peoples had sorted a new code what did take into account lully pension.

Oh says I, did you be receiving a P45 last year? No says he when Company X came Company Y did you have forms to fill in like new employee bank details? new contract? anyfings at all. No says he I gives those things to you cos you do those stuffs. Did you gets told a P45 was being sent - no says he anyfinks like that I do give to you

So new letter today to tax peoples saying veh veh soz and all that we not know you got P45's naughty companies did do paperwork exercise playing fast and loose with the P45's they no send employee copy, they no ask employee nuffink, they in big doo doo they not follow tax people law, they did send you wrong informations not me, they send you wrong informations I not know about and as just plain blokey bloke it is veh reasonable for me to assume new tax code took lully pension into account as I would have no reason to fink otherwise as not gives you new informations not even aware new informations sent to you.

Go now nice tax mans and talk to naughty company and say why you do this gives us the money now naughty company.

So there you can have a headache like mine, except, of course, being the HMRc you have to cite where the company did not follow their procedures, you have to cite what exactly they did wrong and when and what colour knickers they were wearing that day *sigh*

Tis all ready for the post box now, do you have a head ache too now?
Sounds as though we worked for the same people. Wasn't shop work by any chance?


Do I need to get the spray plaster out?
SpSounds as though we worked for the same people. Wasn't shop work by any chance?

No not shops, Security the personal type!

And still not holding out much hope for not having to pay it either, as they will most likely cite you received a new tax code you even as a layman should understand our codes and know it was wrong.


I am not a member, I am a free man !!!!!!
Why the 200 against the 800?

I only ask as I'm considering getting one but don't want to end up with loads of stuff I won't use.

Depends on what you need the 200 is like a small cycle computer that also has GPS, you can download a route to it and then follow a little black line I have used it on Sportives and it works fine and it also records your ride ......... cost around £87

The 800 is a GPS with full mapping software .... cost around £270 - £400

Hill Wimp

Fair weathered,fair minded but easily persuaded.
Not the way that I would do it! I would detour off into Wales and then return to the Pennines and head up through the Peak District, call in here for a change of clothes and a cuppa, then head up through the Dales with another detour off onto the North York Moors en route.

What is it with you Yorkshiremen and hills?

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