Tea? (Part 2)

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De Skieven Architek... aka Penfold + Horace
12th Dec... that is all...


Do I need to get the spray plaster out?
Tea puleeeeeease!
Trying to sort the calendars out with shift patterns, and school things and pre-school things, and appointments and booked things and my head is now

somewhere in america

member of the unknown
In theory, this latest version is a responsive design which should work well on all devices, but a lot of people access CC using Tapatalk.
What's tapatalk?

Never mind just looked it up. My internet signal where I live is crap will tapatalk reduce the amount of data?
and what community system does cyclechat use?
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I am not a member, I am a free man !!!!!!
What's tapatalk?

Never mind just looked it up. My internet signal where I live is crap will tapatalk reduce the amount of data?
and what community system does cyclechat use?

Tapatalk is a tablet/phone forum client and yes it does work with CC, I use it on both my tablet and phone. As to if it will reduce the amount of data I have no idea.
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