Tea? (Part 2)

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I am not a member, I am a free man !!!!!!
When I was with my mother a couple of days ago, she got a phone call purporting to be from Microsoft saying that they knew she was having trouble with her computer and they would give her help in fixing it. :laugh:

My mother is still struggling with a 2g mobile phone with ginormous buttons and has never owned a typewriter let alone a puter. Silly boy on the phone.

Yes that scam has been going on for about 10 years and I still get about a dozen customers a year who have fallen for it :rolleyes:


I am not a member, I am a free man !!!!!!
what do they do? Do they charge you or get you to download a Trojan?

Usually it is 1 of 2 possibilities:

1. A complete scam where they convince you that your computer has a virus and when they get your credit card number they take your money.

2. Pretend to be selling a remote pc repair service and take over your pc and convince you there is a problem, then they uninstall whatever antivirus you have and install a free one then charge you up to £200 per year for the pleasure. While they have control of your pc, usually using Team Viewer, they take you to a website that has a payment gateway on it and get you to enter your credit card info and click the pay button. That way if you contest the payment they can say that you paid them yourself so you wont get your money back.

Hill Wimp

Fair weathered,fair minded but easily persuaded.
Morning CycleChatters.

Can I have some sympathy. I've been feeling a bit poorly with a UTI for two weeks. I'm on my second lot of antibiotics at the minute, they seem to be working, but have caused me to have diarrhea and a bit of nausea.
Add to this, I managed to drop a snow shovel on my head on Saturday, and have a big gash in my head. I've also got "ladies troubles" which is more painful than usual, probably due to the other tummy trouble.

Fed up now :sad:
:hugs: not nice but I see you are very famous and chic in your neck of the woods from your other post.
Have you no staff to look after you?


I am not a member, I am a free man !!!!!!
Ouch...that sounds expensive.

Yes I have managed to get back some money for a few people, but usually what they do is route the calls through a London number even though they are in India.

I try to drum into all my customers that no one legit will ever ring them about their pc's ever, particularly Microsoft, and there is no way for someone to know if they have a virus or not. But of course then usually call during the day and target old people who are easily confused. I once managed to speak to some of the Indian scammers who actually called a customer while I was there, they hung up on me they were so offended by what I said to them :giggle:


Re member eR
Rocky ! You there?

Listen, I think you have a problem with your computer. I bet it's running slow yeah? Takes ages to start up ? I know I know, It's a real bind. You have spyware and other stuff but I can sort it for you no problem. Just need your card details and I'll have it sorted in no time.
Trust me I know what I'm doing.

edit: Pin number would be helpful too. :thumbsup:


I am not a member, I am a free man !!!!!!
Mr Colly how kind of you. Can I also give you my date of birth, my mother's maiden name and details of her bank account? I'm also happy to give you my email password and anything else that might be helpful. Just to make sure, I'll disable my virus checker.

Dont forget to turn off your firewall :thumbsup:


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
Morning CycleChatters.

Can I have some sympathy. I've been feeling a bit poorly with a UTI for two weeks. I'm on my second lot of antibiotics at the minute, they seem to be working, but have caused me to have diarrhea and a bit of nausea.
Add to this, I managed to drop a snow shovel on my head on Saturday, and have a big gash in my head. I've also got "ladies troubles" which is more painful than usual, probably due to the other tummy trouble.

Fed up now :sad:

Oh dear oh dear!

(Although I have to say, dropping a snow shovel on your head is an impressive thing to just throw into the mix there, well done.)

Big hug :hugs:
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