Tea? (Part 2)

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Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
I've got a batch of rosehip jelly simmering in my new preserving pan. It's great, it's huge, no danger of it boiling over like my saucepans:


It's got to simmer for a few more minutes, then I put the mash in my jelly bag to drain overnight. I like making jelly, you don't have to bother with peeling and coring the apples and stuff!

Somewhere in America, it sounds like you're all set to really get the most from studying, well done and good luck! NT is definately a chap, and quite mad, but then so am I, so we're well suited. We met in this very thread!


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK

I've never made rosehip jelly before. It better be good, the rosehips were a bugger to pick, they fight back!

I've got a load of haws too, going to try hawthorn jelly next.


West Somerset

Lots of :rain: on today's ride. And I was beaten by the hill that gave me the chain ring scar on my leg last year. Harumph. I *will* get up it one of these days. It's not an especially steep/long climb, but it's the third consecutive hill in a row without a proper descent in between to recover, not to mention the fact that I've probably eaten the equivalent of several panniers of chocolate, cake and bikits these last few weeks. :blush: So I had a pasty at the coffee stop to make me feel better. :mrpig:

In other news, I now qualify for :cuppa: at my LBS. I had to drag myself away as one of the mechanics was building a new bike and there was something hypnotic about the process.

Hope you're feeling better @Sara_H :hugs: (Incidentally, how on earth did you manage to hit yourself in the head with a snow shovel?)
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No mention of the welcome party we had for TVC then Rocky or the bunting me and The Green Man put up.:sad:
So it was you that organised half an hour of gridlock on the North Circular for me, aw thanks, how thoughtful :hugs:


Hope you're feeling better @Sara_H :hugs: (Incidentally, how on earth did you manage to hit yourself in the head with a snow shovel?)
You may well ask!

It was being stored in the rafters in my garage, as was my sons speedway bike. Was getting bike down and it nudged the shovel which landed on my head! Got quite a gash in my head, an impressive amount of blood and tears were produced!


Do I need to get the spray plaster out?
I've got a batch of rosehip jelly simmering in my new preserving pan. It's great, it's huge, no danger of it boiling over like my saucepans:

View attachment 29528

It's got to simmer for a few more minutes, then I put the mash in my jelly bag to drain overnight. I like making jelly, you don't have to bother with peeling and coring the apples and stuff!

Somewhere in America, it sounds like you're all set to really get the most from studying, well done and good luck! NT is definately a chap, and quite mad, but then so am I, so we're well suited. We met in this very thread!

Oh I have preserving pan envy, that is a beauty! Mine is all old and battered now....

Can I come too ?

@Hill Wimp I is being a good girl I is so shall reply in here, instead of Mundane News cos I am a conscientious objector to the current Mundane Tea wars. Plus I am on the naughty step at home with Mr P, for being suggestive and now in peering for one red cloak for a small person and a black cloak for a not so small person at my favourite cloak supplier I have found a lovely robe so I shall have to behave to wind Mr P round my little finger (after he has made me :cuppa: tho)

You could come, Squidge went last year with Nana as User76 was too tiny and loved it so both are going this year tis at Manor Farm Country Park and last 3/4 hour and they get a goody bag - Adults are only £3


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
Oh I have preserving pan envy, that is a beauty! Mine is all old and battered now....

Bear in mind that that is it's first ever use. It'll be battered enough in time...

Well, the mash is draining through muslin in two batches (I may have a big preserving pan, but my muslin squares aren't very big! It's not draining very prolifically, I have to say. I'll be lucky to get half a pint of juice at this rate, it won't be worth using the big pan for the setting boil tomorrow!
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