Tea? (Part 2)

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Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
Has anyone tried Lavender tea?

Who is Kevin?

Kevin McCloud, a TV presenter, usually does programmes on architecture, and people building or renovating their dream home.

Not tried lavender tea, but have had lavender scones.

And about those years of school, go for it. I didn't go to University straight after school, I mucked up my exams. Instead, I worked for 12 years, and then went. Best thing ever. Because I was a mature student, doing it because I wanted to, I worked hard, and did well, and had enough experience to understand how lucky I was to be there (many of the kids straight from school complained about having to write essays and the workload, but we mature students knew it was nothing compared to having a real job!). I met loads of great friends, and got into cycling, and if that hadn't happened, I'd never have met NT (who you haven't really met here because he's left the forum for a bit, but we met here and we get married next year.... :wub:)

I've heard a lot of great things about Portland!


Money has run out, so commission a massive painting. Genius

somewhere in america

member of the unknown
Kevin McCloud, a TV presenter, usually does programmes on architecture, and people building or renovating their dream home.

Not tried lavender tea, but have had lavender scones.

And about those years of school, go for it. I didn't go to University straight after school, I mucked up my exams. Instead, I worked for 12 years, and then went. Best thing ever. Because I was a mature student, doing it because I wanted to, I worked hard, and did well, and had enough experience to understand how lucky I was to be there (many of the kids straight from school complained about having to write essays and the workload, but we mature students knew it was nothing compared to having a real job!). I met loads of great friends, and got into cycling, and if that hadn't happened, I'd never have met NT (who you haven't really met here because he's left the forum for a bit, but we met here and we get married next year.... :wub:)

I've heard a lot of great things about Portland!

Well I guess I would like Kevin since I want to be an architect! And I love DIY shows, design shows and anything like that.
The other thing about being an older student is that you understand the value of money and (I've heard some university pay students there but not here) when you have to pay those tuition bills you expect to be taught something. I know my instructors are either going to love me or hate me because I promise I will challenge them. I will be 42ish by the time I will be able to go, I don't have the time to mess around with less then the best instructors, I plan on meeting with the dean of xxxx in the spring prior to each year to discuss who are the best instructors based on the way I learn, who will challenge me and appreciate a challenge in return. I know where I want to go with architecture so I have a strong plan to get there.

As for NightTrain, I keep hearing about this person but I can't figure out if they are male or female and if they are special or crazy :smile:

I've never been TO Portland (drove through it once) but I read a lot of things about the place I really feel are similar to things I like and they have a huge cycling community from what I hear. There were a lot of factors that made me choose Portland over any other city and I' m definitely excited about going.

Rode 7 miles today average speed of 9.2

Does cycle chat have a phone app cuz this full site version IS DRIVING ME INSANE!!!
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Noble and true, with a heart of steel
The TerrorVortex
@ somewhere in america
NT? He's a guy, and a really nice one at that.
Met him a couple of times, worked with him at a Get Cycling gig in Nottingham five years ago, he's a good bloke.
Mad as a box of frogs, but that's not a bad thing IMHO. Arch is also completely batshit mental if you ask me (also a good thing) and they fit each other wonderfully well :thumbsup:


Vice Admiral
I often wake up and make a pot of tea at this time of day and let Tasha the cat back into the house.

I usually avoid going on-line at silly o'clock, but I have been trying to work out a clue on the "Crosswords" thread.


Morning Wol, morning Hils.

Even Merlot is not sure about being up this early. Getting ready to head for Larndun, the joy of the M1during rush hour.
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