Tea? (Part 2)

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Do I need to get the spray plaster out?
Phew! Time for :cuppa: that is User76 at her first session at Pre-school with no problem, in , coat & registration done, then I was dismissed with bye bye Mummy and a kiss :biggrin:


For those that wish to know she has fresh pineapple chunks in her bag ready for "snack" :hungry:


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
Phew! Time for :cuppa: that is User76 at her first session at Pre-school with no problem, in , coat & registration done, then I was dismissed with bye bye Mummy and a kiss :biggrin:


For those that wish to know she has fresh pineapple chunks in her bag ready for "snack" :hungry:

Aww! They look so grown up suddenly don't they? The first picture I saw of my older nephew in school kit, he looked about 12!


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
I had 2 dogs and 1cat now down and 1 dog and 1 cat.

It's an odd feeling having the job disappear, the boyfriend now an ex the truck sold and my dog die, and knowing I will be selling everything else in the next 2 months and starting all over again.
I can't even tell how many times I've had to start over

Sorry to hear about your dog.:sad:

I hope this is the last time you have to start over (unless you really want to!). Sometimes it just takes a long time to find the right life. It's taken me over 40 years....


My Armchair
Go to your room rocky :ninja:


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
(i) Being flippant (ii) making a mistake in the Telegraph cross word (iii) having a couple of wonky stripes on the lawn (iv) talking to a neighbour when I should have been working (v) over-filling the green wheelie bin (vi) pulling up some flowers and ignoring some weeds .....and so on and so on :laugh:

I think by that stage, my next misdemeanor would have been burying your mother in the garden!


Do I need to get the spray plaster out?
Aww! They look so grown up suddenly don't they? The first picture I saw of my older nephew in school kit, he looked about 12!

She is just 3 years and 2 months old, she was shattered and fell asleep on the way to collect eldest, in her usual demure position legs either side of the trailer knickers on show for the world, drool dripping off her chin... I spent ages stood at the school waiting for Squidge thinking where is he until one Mum said doesn't he do football on a Wednesday... err yes he does I'll come back at the right time! Whole day with both of them at their schools tomorrow!

They both were tired and narky so had early bath and bed tonight so all is peaceful apart from the drone of the eldest reading to himself in bed....

So I am peering at the Autumn listing at the local tiny tiny theatre and seeing which Saturday Morning special films are on for £2 so I can book before they all disappear...


Noble and true, with a heart of steel
The TerrorVortex
Just given a quick Trike Tutorial (look up the road at where you're going, steer smoothly and keep your feet on the pedals) and now I'm getting lycrad up for the WNRttP. Red Lion at Preston this week, which is up a big hill. Big for round here, anyway.
And no, I'm not using the trike. There are limits.
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