Tea? (Part 2)

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Vice Admiral
I have jot seen it yet :secret:

:blush: You told us it was on last night.

Let me know when you've seen it. :thumbsup:
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Hill Wimp

Fair weathered,fair minded but easily persuaded.
Phew! Time for :cuppa: that is User76 at her first session at Pre-school with no problem, in , coat & registration done, then I was dismissed with bye bye Mummy and a kiss :biggrin:


For those that wish to know she has fresh pineapple chunks in her bag ready for "snack" :hungry:
She looks so cute hope she had a great time.


Only 2nd cup of the day :eek: can't beat a good cuppa

somewhere in america

member of the unknown
Sorry to hear about your dog.:sad:

I hope this is the last time you have to start over (unless you really want to!). Sometimes it just takes a long time to find the right life. It's taken me over 40 years....

You are right about that and no I'm really done with the starting over thing, I don't mind moving I just hate having to sell everything in order to move, just to turn around and have to rebuy everything again.
I know the life I want now, it wasn't until 2005 that I realized what I wanted. But it's the "getting" that life that has alluded me since then. Moving to Portland Oregon is, I suppose, the first step in that direction. I just have to get passed the idea that 7-8 years of school, while hard, isn't going to kill me. Lots of people do it right? And they made it through mostly unscathed!
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