Tea? (Part 2)

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Do I need to get the spray plaster out?
I went into town this morning and everyone is in winter coats with hat & gloves, I thought it was quite warm I was wearing my new jumper.

Does it look like this?

@potsy Here is the full length mens version, if it is the style you object to they seem to do others in other colours


Hill Wimp

Fair weathered,fair minded but easily persuaded.
Just back from a quick 28 miles on a new route part of which i will never ever be going on again. Fast country A road that i thought i would only need to be on for a few moments but didn't factor in that those moments were in the vertical position. Not only was i going up a fec***g big hill but i saw my life flash before me several times. So that bit has been firmly scrubbed off the cycling map.

It was at that point that i realised i didn't need a base layer.

Did a lot of @Rickshaw Phil though ( photos) to test to see if i can follow @ColinJ and @classic33 instructions on how to post photos for numpties like me.

Hill Wimp

Fair weathered,fair minded but easily persuaded.
Is the world's oldest man still at work? :whistle:

@The Velvet Curtain was up until the wee small hours after his gig and he had to get up early so he may be a bit jaded on his return.


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
Did you see that biscuit display he did for Arch and NT ?

I wonder if we turned up whether we would get that :hungry:

Oh, I'm sure you would, they have very high standards.

In other news, I've just bought a 5kg bag of sugar! Well, a batch of jam can use a whole kilo, so it makes sense, and it works out a few pence cheaper per kilo that buying normal bags.

I've also treated myself - no, my Mum has treated me! - to a proper preserving pan. :hyper:


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
We've also just found a pear tree I'd never noticed before, on the edge of the Sainsburys car park.

It's cold and blowy here, hoping the rain holds off and we can forage a bit on the way into my work (I have to go to a meeting).
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