Tea? (Part 2)

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Hill Wimp

Fair weathered,fair minded but easily persuaded.
No I have loads to do, it is just that my head doesn't want to allow me to do it.

Go for a ride and clear the head. Works for me. I have a load of jobs to do here but as you can see thats not quite happening so i need to go out and come back refreshed. A new route today i think.


Do I need to get the spray plaster out?
I have to make a steak pudding, and get it in the slow cooker to "steam" asap, but I need :cuppa: first.

We have no electric tomorrow, which should be interesting especially as Mr P is home & User76 has her pre-school visit before starting on Wednesday proper. Can't even de-camp to Mum's as we need to be in to let them check they have connected the terminals back up correctly apparently when they put it back on. The nice man on the phone did say when the electricity peoples arrive they should be able to give an approximate time for re-connection. At least I will not be devoid of tea with a gas hob & the camping kettle!

It's sort of :sun: on and off here but tis


Puzzle game procrastinator!
You can check the size of a pic by right clicking on the image icon and clicking on properties in the menu, usually a reduced image will be in kb-1000 kb in a mb, 1000 mb in a tb (terabyte).
Strictly speaking the 'm' in megabyte should be uppercase and so should the 'b'.

M = Mega = x 1,000,000 and m = milli = / 1,000. Granted, nobody is likely to mistake one for the other.

Mixing up B and b is much more confusing though. B = byte, and b = bit, 8 bits per byte. I have seen people mixing those up and wondering why reality was out by a factor of 8.

1,000 megabytes (MB) is actually 1 gigabyte (GB), and 1,000 gigabytes is 1 terabyte (TB).

Actually, the prefix question can be confusing - link! :wacko:


Leg End Member
I feel your pain I was still awake at 4 am last night, I just love insomnia its wonderful
Its the looking like a zombie later the same day thats the "best" part. Getting around 2-3 hours sleep a morning for the last two months.


Do I need to get the spray plaster out?
Its the looking like a zombie later the same day thats the "best" part. Getting around 2-3 hours sleep a morning for the last two months.

Oh that's not good, I usually have bouts that last around a week and then I think my body just shuts down or collapses small people do not understand "low energy" by 2 this afternoon it will be a battle to stay awake, then by bedtime I will be wide awake :sad:
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