Tea? (Part 2)

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Leg End Member
Morning All :hello: :cuppa: anyone, perhaps one for the road!
Why make one for the road, its had enough to drink! Wet & windy outside, so I'll stay inside.


De Skieven Architek... aka Penfold + Horace
:hello: everybody!

Had the misfortune to see that a new sitcom called Big School had started a while ago, with the cast listed, it should have been brilliant, but no.... what a load of tripe. We watched the first episode on i-Player with the happy prospect of 5 to catch-up with, but didn't get even halfway through the first one. It was appallingly trite and stereotyped.
You'd have thought that actors would have the decency to be embarrassed and aware of how crude and unfunny the script was... and either make it better or refuse to say the words out loud.
I didn't like it.

Hill Wimp

Fair weathered,fair minded but easily persuaded.
:hello: everybody!

Had the misfortune to see that a new sitcom called Big School had started a while ago, with the cast it should have been brilliant, but no.... what a load of tripe. We watched the first episode on i-Player with the happy prospect of 5 to catch-up with, but didn't get even halfway through the first one. It was appallingly trite and stereotyped.
You'd have thought that actors would have the decency to be embarrassed and aware of how crude and unfunny the script was... and either make it better or refuse to say the words out loud.
I didn't like it.

:hello: Morning Archie

I have to agree wholeheartedly with you on that one .


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
According to the little weather icon on my phone, today it will be raining gaily coloured leaves....

Plans for the day.

Get up.
Mooch, including the purchase of a jam funnel and preserving pan.
Drink coffee
Go into my work, via some foraging.
Have a very dull meeting. (NT excluded, and will do his own mooching at that time).
Possibly go to the pub.


West Somerset
After my appointment, I'm going to cross my fingers and see if HMV have still got the Bones box set on sale. Turns out it's excellent value despite my initial :ohmy: as “they“seem to have stopped producing the early seasons. :unsure:


I am not a member, I am a free man !!!!!!
Lisa21 just posted this to my facebook, sums the day up perfectly :laugh:



Do I need to get the spray plaster out?
:hello: everybody!

Had the misfortune to see that a new sitcom called Big School had started a while ago, with the cast listed, it should have been brilliant, but no.... what a load of tripe. We watched the first episode on i-Player with the happy prospect of 5 to catch-up with, but didn't get even halfway through the first one. It was appallingly trite and stereotyped.
You'd have thought that actors would have the decency to be embarrassed and aware of how crude and unfunny the script was... and either make it better or refuse to say the words out loud.
I didn't like it.

Laughing so hard, there is one of the same name on cbeebies or something for small people, that is all about starting school, when I first read your post my brain did not register "New Sitcom" so was thinking WOW! thats a bit harsh :laugh:


My Armchair
:hello: everybody!

Had the misfortune to see that a new sitcom called Big School had started a while ago, with the cast listed, it should have been brilliant, but no.... what a load of tripe. We watched the first episode on i-Player with the happy prospect of 5 to catch-up with, but didn't get even halfway through the first one. It was appallingly trite and stereotyped.
You'd have thought that actors would have the decency to be embarrassed and aware of how crude and unfunny the script was... and either make it better or refuse to say the words out loud.
I didn't like it.
I quite like it :blush:

Expecting very poor weather today, an afternoon ride to work to come, the car keys are calling to me :whistle:

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