Tea? (Part 2)

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Leg End Member
Can yours get more scary ?[/quote
Can do
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Hill Wimp

Fair weathered,fair minded but easily persuaded.


Evening, we're back from the gig. Russell Howard did one and a half hours, basically all of his new arena tour material at our local comedy club for a couple of hundred people. What a result, all for £15

Hill Wimp

Fair weathered,fair minded but easily persuaded.
Evening, we're back from the gig. Russell Howard did one and a half hours, basically all of his new arena tour material at our local comedy club for a couple of hundred people. What a result, all for £15

Sounds good, i take it you are fully armed with even more splendid repartee to knock us all into shape :whistle:
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Sounds good, i take it you are fully armed with even more splendid repartee to knock us all into shape :whistle:
He was very rude


Hils, I take it you are not up early tomorrow. We are, 5.45 alarm, however we have beer and nuts and are rather buzzing.


Noble and true, with a heart of steel
The TerrorVortex
We could do with a shake up every now and again.
Sounds like a 'shake-up' that happened at work a while back.
A few of us were talking about comedy acts we liked, and J said to me 'I bet you like Derek and Clive'
And I replied 'You f***ing c**t'.
Jaws dropped around the room.
Only he and I had heard that sketch, which I then had to get up on YouTube :blush:


I do take delight in pointing my younger work colleagues to Derrick and Clive on Youtube, They think they are outrageous and new comedians are on the edge until they hear what Pete and Dud were doing 40 years ago, most of which still can not be broadcast
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