Tea? (Part 2)

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Do I need to get the spray plaster out?
What drugs do you take @Puddles in order to just keep going.

I don't know how you do it all, says she with no kids, animals, yoghurt makers or jam on the go oh and her feet up on the sofa with a glass of red :ph34r:

:laugh: I subscribe to wear the little buggers out school of parenting they are much easier to deal with when they are asleep and once they are walking they can assist doing all sorts of things which tire them out, I do drink tea/coffee continuously but I did that before small people and I am fully charged atm as I had 2 weeks off from small people in the summer holidays and did nothing but sort of lay on the sofa and catch up on my viewing and eat rubbish! :shy:

Hill Wimp

Fair weathered,fair minded but easily persuaded.
Are you trying to say something??

You were very helpful @classic33 truly.

This comment may come back to haunt me in the future i think.

Hill Wimp

Fair weathered,fair minded but easily persuaded.

I will try that but i have a suspicion its something to do with pixals i maybe wrong will try what you suggest now.


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
Well, we're back in York! That was a long trip home. First of all, there were two options to get from TVCs house to the motorway, the way I knew and the way the satnav suggested, both of which should he been pretty much equal in distance. So we followed the satnav.

And sat in nose to tail traffic for a mile down to the motorway junction.:banghead:

Anyway, the motorway was fairly clear, and we only had one burst of dreadful rain, and then we stopped at Woodall to have a burger and check NT's Ebay account, to find he'd won the thing he'd bid on, so we diverted to northern Barnsley to pick it up, via a long stretch of 50 limit through roadworks...

Seems like a very long time since TVC and Lu served us the gourmet biscuit platter:

Up to TVC's usual presentation standard, you'll all agree. ^_^
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