Tea? (Part 2)

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somewhere in america

member of the unknown
I wasn't really sure if crumpets were real, first time I've seen someone mention them. I did some reading via internet on them, didn't realize they were similar to but not the same as English muffins, we have those here commercially (but not crumpets) I have never like English muffins as they are dry, chewy and tasteless. When I have a better (cooking) setup I'm going to try making crumpets. I think I would like them with maple syrup (and of course the requisite butter). Some recipes mentioned marmite...... what is that?

Hill Wimp

Fair weathered,fair minded but easily persuaded.
Just back from an excellent cycle club induction session and short jaunt round the lanes.

Really well organised by Paula and Hattie from KVG and met some really nice girls all now signed up eager to start clubs runs.

One of the girls was from Holland, being a cyclist from birth as it's in the genes, she wanted to get more confident on English roads as she was used to cycle lanes and paths everywhere. She also gave a good tip to buy your bigger stuff likes bikes etc over there. Find what you want here and buy on the internet from over there as its so much cheaper. She saved £300 on her bike.

All in all a really good day so far.

Is the python still about on Mundane before i venture over ? :ph34r:
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Leg End Member
@Hill Wimp, Yesterday at 19:49 He's been back
Did it rain before three then?

somewhere in america

member of the unknown
Mmmmmmm...... Marmite. It's yeast extract and it's yummy!! Wouldn't put it on crumpets though, they're best with lashings of salted butter!
Yeast extract? Maybe it's what we call nutritional yeast here (dry yellow flakes, tastes a bit like parmesan cheese, high in protein with lots of amino acids). I put that on popcorn (with butter so it sticks).

Absolutely gorgeous day, just rode the 1/4 mile (and back) down to the firestation to drop some aluminum cans off they have a recycling trailer down there.


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Hill Wimp

Fair weathered,fair minded but easily persuaded.
Yeast extract? Maybe it's what we call nutritional yeast here (dry yellow flakes, tastes a bit like parmesan cheese, high in protein with lots of amino acids. I put that on popcorn (with butter so it sticks).

Absolutely gorgeous day, just rode the 1/4 mile (and back) down to the firestation to drop some aluminum cans off they have a recycling trailer down there.

Lovely. However it's :rain: & :cold: here and thats just in the warm South.

There's probably so on the Peaks up North and in Scotland
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