Tea? (Part 2)

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Noble and true, with a heart of steel
The TerrorVortex
Here's a thing.
I've had an email from Amazon wanting me to review some recent purchases, and quoting a review I made a while back.
It's a review of a road atlas, where I commented that it didn't have a windscreen mount, or a charger, or anything. There's no touchscreen and no USB socket - the mapping data is on sheets of paper and I can't get a data connection to update them, there's no option to change the voice, but it's so quiet I can't hear the voice anyway, and the user interface is a bit clunky, and I can't see the format catching on.
Even though I've not had to charge it up in over a year of use.
I've reviewed the map as though I was expecting a sat-nav.
7 out of 16 people reckoned this review was 'helpful'...

somewhere in america

member of the unknown
My drywall project for the nxt 3 days
* sigh *
Can't get any more pix to upload took forever just to get the one up


  • dry2.jpg
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@somewhere in america
Marmite is one of the greatest foods ever invented, some people though don't seem to like it, and others neglect it. Here is a documentary on the subject



West Somerset

Back from a 50 mile pootle on the Levels, accompanied by an absolute doorstep of a bacon and brie sandwich which could have easily fed two people as a main course, and then :cuppa: and scones with home-made raspberry jam at a friend's. Stuffed is not the word - I even decided against stopping at the village shop on the way home for chocolate (I'll probably regret this later). :hungry:

As for Marmite, it's best served on hot buttered toast and is extra tasty at three in the morning when you can't sleep. Fact.
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