Tea? (Part 2)

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Midlands UK
@somewhere in america
Marmite is one of the greatest foods ever invented, some people though don't seem to like it, and others neglect it. Here is a documentary on the subject

Marmite xx(

Hill Wimp

Fair weathered,fair minded but easily persuaded.

Back from a 50 mile pootle on the Levels, accompanied by an absolute doorstep of a bacon and brie sandwich which could have easily fed two people as a main course, and then :cuppa: and scones with home-made raspberry jam at a friend's. Stuffed is not the word - I even decided against stopping at the village shop on the way home for chocolate (I'll probably regret this later). :hungry:

As for Marmite, it's best served on hot buttered toast and is extra tasty at three in the morning when you can't sleep. Fact.

Well done Jo great ride and a gourmet accompaniment by the sounds of it. The chocolate could have sat in the fridge, just in case you know:biggrin:


Midlands UK
It will be nice to have a meal that neither of us has to cook nor wash up afterwards.


Midlands UK
Builders tea sounds interesting, I'd certainly try it but I think it would be too strong (and sweet) for me. As for pease pudding No thanks. I hate peas (never liked them, even as a baby) and I hate mushy.... odd though our split peas are green not yellow. I liked the history on builders tea. Funny, the childrens rhyme in reference to pease pudding is pease porridge here...

Builders tea doesn't have to be sweet just strong
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