Tea? (Part 2)

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Do I need to get the spray plaster out?
Bathroom cleaned - children fed, now I stink of zoflora, quick :cuppa: then onto

somewhere in america

member of the unknown
I am carb loading as potsy would call it ............ or stuffing my face with Haribo as the rest of us call it :mrpig:
I'd call it carb loading too if I had any idea what Haribo was!

you didn't miss much, mostly just chatting about the nuances of the English language (yours and mine).
Eleventy million.... that's about right, it's how I got my "active" status.

SIA - Mooching means wandering about with no particular purpose, either at home or maybe out looking in shops, stopping now and then for tea or coffee. Real experts like NT and I can mooch all day if we're in the mood.

At first I thought it ment kissing (snogging he he I love that word) but I realized that really didn't make any sense.

I just might make some tea it's a nice cool morning.
time to feed the animals.
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SIA, just spotted your thread in the welcome mat, I tend not to look in there very often, sorry. Here, have a mug of builders and a pease pudding sarnie.
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My Armchair
Our British summer (and it was a good one this year) ended last week. Tonight and tomorrow we get the first autumn gales :rain: It won't be long until the snow arrives for them up north.

somewhere in america

member of the unknown
South Carolina has a long spring (2nd week of March until June first) and autumn (2nd week of Sept til Christmas eve) , short winter and moderate summer but the summers are unbearably hot and humid. Winter isn' t too bad, just a bit too chilly for me. I prefer a more moderate climate like the pacific NW; low 80's/high 70's in the summer/fall @ 40% humidity and winter/spring low high 40's/ low 50's
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somewhere in america

member of the unknown

Builders = Builder's tea
Pease pudding
Sarnie = sandwich

Builders tea sounds interesting, I'd certainly try it but I think it would be too strong (and sweet) for me. As for pease pudding No thanks. I hate peas (never liked them, even as a baby) and I hate mushy.... odd though our split peas are green not yellow. I liked the history on builders tea. Funny, the childrens rhyme in reference to pease pudding is pease porridge here...
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