Tea? (Part 2)

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Midlands UK
:hello: morning all :rain:here today

Hill Wimp

Fair weathered,fair minded but easily persuaded.
This is the first Saturday morning we have spent quietly at home for ages, do how do you celebrate such much needed idleness?

There is only one way

View attachment 29203

I don't normally do breakfast but i have just had a fried egg sandwich.

Im off to do something at lunchtime to do with cycling and if it goes well i will tell you all about it. If not i will get on with the housework and read the Saturday papers whilst keeping an eye on the tea thread antics.

Just checked the weather forecast, apparently rain due here at midday, just typical !

Wonder how wet @deptfordmarmoset got last night on The Fridays ride to Southend? It was pouring down.


Do I need to get the spray plaster out?
Everything that is ready for ironing is ironed
Milk scalded and had bugs added to it and is now being ignored in the cupboard of doom
Dishwasher un-racked & re-racked.
Washing Machine & Dryer on full tilt
Eldest has stripped beds and added them to the laundry pile
Promises have been made to make ginger dead men & dinosaurs & zombies with the new cutters this afternoon

I am having :cuppa: before I go and tackle the bathroom & hoover upstairs, giving small people the warning that bedrooms need to be tidy by the time I finish the bathroom else anything on the floor will go up the hoover or in the bin bag!



Do I need to get the spray plaster out?
@Puddles you can come and do our house when you are finished if you want, we are having a VIP reception here tomorrow afternoon.

Thanks for the offer but I shall decline, we are model villaging tomorrow, Mr Puddles won't be home until tomorrow night and for once I am attempting to be all organised so I can go be thoroughly bored tomorrow without thinking x, y, z really needs to be sorted at home whilst feigning interest and excitement with the small people. Also if I do the blue bum fly thing today and manage to get the smallest small person asleep I can sit with my feet up tonight in a little bubble of clean and organised and watch something I want without having the Mummy guilt kick in.

Besides I hear your VIP reception includes jam/jelly you will only have general stickiness so you just as well clean after ^_^
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Noble and true, with a heart of steel
The TerrorVortex
Just trying to work out if I can bring a trike home on the train.
I might try to blag it, since I've got to get the train up there anyhow, and a return ticket costs an extra 50p.
Failing that, I've got a looooong ride tomorrow,
On an unfamiliar machine.
In the rain.
Tea may well be required.


Leg End Member
Just trying to work out if I can bring a trike home on the train.
I might try to blag it, since I've got to get the train up there anyhow, and a return ticket costs an extra 50p.
Failing that, I've got a looooong ride tomorrow,
On an unfamiliar machine.
In the rain.
Tea may well be required.
Take a pump, hidden of course, and let one of the tyres down. Claim you've got a puncture when asked & no way of fixing it.
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