Tea? (Part 2)

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Legendary Member
:hello: All. Good luck @phil_hg_uk :bicycle::thumbsup:


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
I've just checked, in the next two months we are seeing 7 comedians and 3 gigs, going on 2 holidaýs, and seeing NT. Busy bunnies.

:unsure: I'll just stay in the car with a bag over my head then. I'll make sure he brings the jam.

SIA - Mooching means wandering about with no particular purpose, either at home or maybe out looking in shops, stopping now and then for tea or coffee. Real experts like NT and I can mooch all day if we're in the mood.


:unsure: I'll just stay in the car with a bag over my head then. I'll make sure he brings the jam.

SIA - Mooching means wandering about with no particular purpose, either at home or maybe out looking in shops, stopping now and then for tea or coffee. Real experts like NT and I can mooch all day if we're in the mood.
I missed out the bit about having Arch visit with jam because I knew Rocky and Potsy and Phil would be jealous

Hill Wimp

Fair weathered,fair minded but easily persuaded.
Is it this weekend? I shall have to cheer from a-far-ther then as I am taking my Mother to see the model Village at Southsea near canoe lake, or to be more accurate I am going there with Mum cos she said we have to and small people quite like it there and I did not come up with a reason not too.

No it's Sunday 13th of October.

The previous weekend the poor people of the New Forest have the Wiggle extravaganza and then on the 13th its the girlie cycletta.

I assume after that they will close the Forest to all outsiders to recover.


This is the first Saturday morning we have spent quietly at home for ages, do how do you celebrate such much needed idleness?

There is only one way



Hmmmm something about myelf that wasn't already covered in my welcome thread? (You're only 5 hrs ahead of me... at least until daylight savings).
I don't own a TV. My oldest dog Lucy will be 6 in January, she was a rescue from a rural shelter at 5 month old. Gata Con La Raya AKA Cat was a 3 month old feral kitten I started feeding and she adopted me, she's 2 now. Nina is about 2 also I've had her about a year, found her in the middle of a 4 lane divided highway. I've had 2 kids both unplanned and gave up for adoption (my mom adopted the first one) as I've never wanted kids. I've done a lot in my life, nothing important really just unusual and extremely varied. Sometimes I feel like it's unbelievable when I talk about all my experiences.
The first time I rode (as an adult) a bicycle I bought a cheap "MTB" from Target and drove way out to a quiet road because I wasn't sure if I remembered how to ride. I still remember it well, I had a difficult time getting it started and getting my balance right it was hilarious. But I got it after a few tries. Rode about 6 miles everyday for a summer. It was years later when I got my next bike. Couldn't afford to keep the SUV; payments, gas, insurance and it was falling apart. I had recently met a guy who didn't have a car and rode everywhere (he has a Specialized Rouboix (sp?)) Decided I could do that too and bought a 1980 Schwinn for $30. Rode it until the chain wouldn't stay on the cassette (missing teeth) it was too big for me anyways.

Excellent, it looks like the night shift will be in safe hands, what about tea though? Can you get decent tea? These things are important :thumbsup:
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